1. Vault 012.

Vault 012. Was built in order to study the effects of radiation on the selected population, the vault door was designed not to close properly on that fateful October afternoon. The 360 vault Residents inside succumbed to Radiation Sickness and ghoulification, 100 years after the Vault was due to close the Door Re-opened, the Ghouls leaving the Vault found a harsh unforgiving wasteland over time they began to settle in the Vault and the surrounding ruins.


Residents of Vault 012. Have adapted to survive in the Harsh Radiation of The post apocalyptic world, when a player is an Irradiated area they will take Less Radiation, a player in an area of Low radiation will take no Radiation,  Player in medium radiation will take low Radiation, and so on. 

This effect is Reversed for Ghouls Low radiation becomes Medium Radiation, Medium Radiation becomes High and so on.

2. Vault 017.

Vault 017. Was originally Built as a Control vault, and supplied with a G.E.C.K when the bombs Dropped the Vault was sealed Remotely and scheduled to open after 75 years had Passed, unfortunately in 2155 only 2 years before the Vault was Due to open. The vault Door was Breached and Its inhabitants were taken prisoner Dragged away to a Nearby Research Building and subsequently turned into super mutants.


Residents of Vault 017. Have a unique Knowledge of Super mutant Biology, this Knowledge grants a 25% Bonus to Damage from all sources against all types of Super Mutants or Nightkin, They also Gain a 25% Bonus to all healing items used on Super mutants or Nightkin. 

3. Vault 019.

Once it was Sealed vault 019. was segregated into two groups, Red and Blue. The groups lived in separate sections of the vault and were governed by two overseers. Subliminal messages were routinely sent over to each side, causing mistrust among the inhabitants, and eventually a civil war between the two groups Broke out after only a week the Conflict ended with the complete collapse of the vault.


Residents of Vault 019. Are adept at Deception and Deceit, as a Result all Residents of Vault 019. Gain a Permanent advantage to all Speech checks as well as an additional 20 skill points which can only be assigned to  charisma Skills (deception, persuasion and intimidation).

4. Vault 021.

The vault was designed to study the evolution of a society where all conflict was resolved through pure chance, every conflict either minor or Major was Resolved by a simple Coin Toss, surprisingly the Vault Flourished under the conditions of the test and for almost 100 years lived in peace, unfortunately the vault was Finally divided over the choice For overseer, claims of cheating and weighted Coins split the population of vault and after a Few Brief skirmishes over Major resources half of the residents eventually left the vault and set up a settlement in the Nearby Ruins, the two Groups have remained at conflict ever since.


Residents of Vault 19 Gain a permanent advantage to all luck attribute Rolls, in addition to this they also Gain The Lucky ability. This ability allows the player to Reroll a single Roll, this ability Resets each time the player completes a Long Rest.

5. Vault 022.

The vault was equipped with the latest in biological and agricultural technologies, with the objective of developing plants that could be readily cultivated in the absence of natural light. However, an experiment with a parasitic fungus turned on the scientists, leading to the destruction of the vault. Survivors of the outbreak abandoned the vault and headed to Zion Valley, spreading the spores across the wastes.


Residents of Vault 022. Are experts in the fields of both Horticulture and Agriculture, this Grant's them the ability to identify any plant samples they harvest as well as the Ability to harvest twice as much from a single plant. They also Receive a Bonus of +15 skill points onto the Foraging Skill.

6. Vault 034.

The armoury of vault 034. was deliberately provided with an overabundance of weapons and ammunition, in addition to not being provided with a proper locking mechanism. The presence of weapons, as well as a total lack of leadership or population control measures, quickly led to vault residents forming individual Clans, in the first Year the clans would Regularly wage war upon each other Major Resources. by the end of the First year only one of the original Clans Remained, for years the vault thrived. However at some point in the 23rd century the current overseer was assassinated causing Social unrest which caused several groups to demand access to weapons and the Vault to fall to infighting.


Residents of Vault 034. Gain a bonus of +20 skill points to be added to any of the 5 weapon skills, (unarmed, melee, guns, energy Guns & energy melee) no more that 10 points can be added to a single skill. In addition to this they also gain +5 skill points to the weapon smith skill and a 10% Discount on all weapons purchased from merchants. 

7. Vault 045.

During Construction of Vault 045. the store rooms were only stocked with enough Light Bulbs to last 50 years, 30 years after the Door was sealed the Overseer Began Strict Light rationing and managed to extend the Remaining Bulbs For another 46 years but in may 2153 the Vault Fell into Darkness with 124 years Still on the Timed Door lock the residents were Left to adapt to their new Lives, Little is Know about the 124 Years of Total Darkness faced by the Vault but when the Door opened on the 23rd of October 2277 two things Left the vault. the First a small band of Human Survivors and the second a Hideous Mutation with a Taste for Flesh.


Residents of vault 045 Gain the Dark vision ability as well as a permanent advantage to all Perception Checks Relying on the 4 senses (excluding sight). In addition to this Residents also gain a +15 bonus to initiative Rolls

8. Vault 052.

All residents of Vault 052. were placed in suspended animation and connected to a virtual reality simulator, where they thought they would live a "perfect" virtual life indefinitely. Dr. Stanislaus Braun held absolute control of the simulation and instead used it to torture the residents for his own pleasure.


Residents of Vault 052. Capable of escape  are masters of Robotics and Hacking, as a Result they gain an additional 15 points to both the Robotics and Hacking Skills as well as a Permanent advantage to all Hacking Skill Roles.

9. Vault 075.

The purpose of Vault 075. was the refinement of human genetics. Excluding vault staff (who were isolated from test subjects), all residents were under the age of 18 at the time of vault activation and  parents were quietly separated from their children to be  executed by vault security. The children were subjected to various methods of torture and harsh tests by vault staff, with the hope of making them capable of surviving the wastes. Over the years a few Test subjects Have Been Released into the wasteland and monitored.  fewer still have managed to escape their lives within the confines of the vault seeking a better life in the wasteland.


Residents of Vault 075. are naturally Tough because of this they take 10% less Damage from non energy melee weapons, unarmed and attacks and any physical damage taken from hazards or the environment. Additionally During combat if the Resident is  attacked by any Melee or unarmed attack they gain advantage on all attacks against the attacker for the next Turn. 

10. Vault 081.

Vault 081. was dedicated to researching diseases and antibodies, with an emphasis on potential mutations in heavy radiation. The vault's residents were isolated from the sealed scientific section of the vault and used as test subjects in clinical trials. The vault was under strict orders not to be evacuated unless by direct order from Vault-Tec. Residents of the vault  were considered expendable and their incineration through pre-installed flame nozzles was Common practice at the discretion of the overseer. To this day the Vault is still sealed Running tests on its Residents. 


Residents of Vault 081 have an immunity to all disease, and an expertise in The medicine skill which grants a Bonus of 20 skill Points, in addition to this they also Receive a Bonus of 20% to all Non Robotic Healing items they use. 

11. Vault 087.

A Forced Evolutionary Virus research facility that was also provided with a G.E.C.K. The residents were exposed to the FEV in locked chambers where scientists would observe their changes. In two weeks, the subjects underwent changes that gave birth to the original super mutants and centaurs in the Wasteland. . However, despite the efforts of the science team, only inferior mutants were created. Despite a substantial increase in size, strength and practical immunity to environmental hazards, the subjects suffered from considerable mental damage and extreme aggression towards their surroundings. The Vaults security measures were not enough, And a year after the Vault was sealed some test subjects broke free, overwhelming the security forces, and beginning a haphazard dipping process. Since then, the mutants have been obsessed with the preservation of their species, due to the fact that they are all irrevocably sterile. Super mutants kidnap humans from all over the Wasteland and bring them to the Vault to be mutated.


All Human Ghoul or Splicer Residents of Vault 087. gain the Disfigured effect and must cloak or otherwise hide themselves whilst inside settlements or interacting with neutral Npc's. Additionally they must Roll for Dipping using the dipping Section on the super mutant Race page. 

All Residents of Vault 087. Gain a Bonus of +15 points to the unarmed skill and +10 points to Melee weapons, they also have an Immunity to all Forms of Mind control, including from spores, toxins, chemicals, Radio waves or subliminal messaging. Finally regardless of Race they are viewed peacefully by the wastelands Super mutants.


12. Vault 095.

Populated solely with drug addicts, with the exception of a single Vault-Tec employee undercover. The Residents of vault  would elect an overseer regularly and hold therapy sessions as part of a rehab program. The rehab proved to be a success. However Five years after the vault was sealed, a hidden stash of drugs was unlocked by the Vault-Tec employee. Within a few days, all of the vault residents but one had Fallen back into addiction or  Been killed by their Fellow  residents.


Residents of Vault 095. Have developed a Resistance to the Negative Effects of Addiction, each time a New addiction Flaw is Gained Players have the option to Roll 1D100 on a Roll of 26 or Higher they do not receive an addiction Flaw for that Level, however if the player Rolls 25 or Lower they immediately gain an extra level of addiction and must take an effect for the original level and the Gained level.  

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