Mr. Gutsy.


A dedicated combat variant, developed by General Atomics International. The Mr. Gutsy is a personal protection automaton, and comes equipped with heavier armour than most utility robots. It also carries a plasma weapon to be used in defence. The shell was rebuilt with lightweight armour plating, while the usual array of tools was upgraded with a plasma caster on a flexible mount. The key advantage of Mister Gutsies that separates it from other combat robots is its sheer manoeuvrability and spatial awareness. The Mister Gutsy is also upgraded with dedicated military software and a brand-new Sergeant Major v.1.0 simulated personality that channelled the stereotypical American Marine drill instructor.

Role In the wasteland.

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Size Medium

Starting Hit Die  D10

level up Hit Die Class B

Ability score increase: your perception rises by 2 and your strength rises by 1

Age. All mister Gutsy units were created in the year before the Great war 200-201 years ago.


Robotic Immunity.

  1. Thanks to their Robotic structure Mr. Gutsy Units are immune to the effects of Radiation. And gain Dark Vision ability.

Dark vision. You can see 30ft in darkness as if it were bright light then a further 30ft as low light.


Mr. Gutsy can use his flamer to fire a 15ft cone of fire dealing 2D6 fire damage too any targets caught inside the cone that fail an Agility Saving throw, the flamer cannot be used on the next round as it must cool down.

Blown Combat inhibitor.

Mr. Gutsy can enter a Rage like state granting advantage to all attacks but any creature that attacks an enraged Mr gutsy will have advantage.

This must be Repaired on a short rest.


Component Breakdown.

Your internal circuits and mechanical components can be damaged over time by exposure to water and extreme weather causing parts of you too seize or suffer malfunctions.

Water damage is taken when you are at least 50% submerged in water.

Mr. Unit Attachments.

Due to the Method you were constructed you cannot use Standard Tools or weapons, you may only use Mr. UNIT Specific Attachments. And you can only Have 4 active attachments at any one time, to switch attachments you must spend 1hour carrying out the upgrades and a second pc or Npc must pass a Dc100 Robotics check in 3 attempts.

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