

You have spent your life hiding in the darkness, making shady deals behind closed doors. What led you to engage in a life of crime? Do you crave the thrill of lawbreaking, or did you enter the profession to pay off a debt, risking your hide on behalf of a corrupt official? A smuggler is an individual trained in the art of acquisition, a professional thug who can deliver anything, for a price. Smugglers tend to be more bold criminals than most, preferring bribery or distraction over subterfuge and stealth. Often smugglers know the best routes through the wastes and can make a quick deal in almost any settlement. 

Traits You can pick one trait from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.

1. I am extremely sociable especially over a standard of Ale.
2. I always keep my wares close to me, you never know who might stumble across them otherwise.
3. The only way to hide is in broad daylight. I don't bother with skulking around.
4. Deflecting questions has become second nature to me, so I rarely answer straight.
5. I have dozens of identities and live in constant fear of answering to the wrong name.
6. I act irrationally confident in the face of danger, nobody suspects anything when you seem like you know what you're doing.


Ideal You can pick one ideal from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. Morals.  only smuggle things to improve the lives of the common folk.
2. Ruthless.  I will rise to the top of the heap by any means necessary.
3. Friendship. My associates are dear to me, and I want them to rise with me when I hit it big. 
4. Dauntless. No border crossing or bribe is too difficult- that's just the coward's way of saying exciting!    
5. Greater Good. I work for a greater cause, and ply my trade only in service to it. 
6. Unperturbed. I only want to make a living for myself, and smuggling is just an edge I can use to do so. 


Bond You can pick one Bond from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. A corrupt guard put me out of business back when I was running an honest business, I aim to show him a thing or two about recovery.
2. I never wanted to be a criminal, but it puts caps in my pocket.
3. Somewhere out there, I have a child who doesn't know me. I'm making the world better for him or her.
4. A bloodthirsty Raider gang stole a shipment from me and killed a dear friend of mine. I will end them with extreme prejudice.
5. Someone I cared about discovered my profession and has publicly denounced me, and I am caught between protecting my reputation and restoring our relationship.
6. My business partners are closer to me than my family.


Flaw You can pick one Flaw from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. "Trust nobody, not even yourself." I am plagued by paranoia.
2. I'm so charismatic that sometimes I woo myself. Who am I, Narcissus?
3. Money is my greatest motivator. I'll do almost anything given enough of it, even if I'll regret it later.
4. I would betray anyone to save my own skin.
5. I detach myself from the results of my actions in order to sleep better at night
6. Someone who knows me well might call me "two-faced" but those who don't have no idea what hit 'em.

Starting gear

Smugglers start out with a pair of Gravedigger Boots, leather armour leg and chest pieces and a Caravaners trenchcoat. They also Carry a Pistol and 2D10 Bullets.

Smugglers can be any race although tend to be Races thst easily blend into society. And any alignment though  they tend to be neutral or evil 

When creating a smuggler here are some things to consider.

What made you turn to a life of Crime?
How far would you go to make a deal? 

What, if anything. would make you stop working as a smuggler and settle down with an honest life?

Important skills and Bonuses
The 5 main skills for a smuggler are.
Guns +5
Agility +5
Stealth +5
Bartering +5
Scavenging +5


Perk. Criminal Contacts.

Your work as a Smuggler has helped you develop contacts in most major settlements, while in a major settlement you can seek out theese contacts for information about the settlement including current events, work opportunities and Rumours, you can also use your criminal contact to fence any stolen Goods.

Disadvantage.Under surveillance.

Whilst in settlements guards may be suspicious of you  and keep a close watch on your activities making criminal acts Difficult to accomplish.