Hunting for lost Gold.

Prospector is a polite word for "scavenger". Prospectors can be found all over the Wasteland, usually looking for the rare unopened safe at the bottom of an irradiated mineshaft. Or being shot at by old world security systems They specialize in searching for old pre-War technology and weapons to sell or use. And play a vital role salvaging scraps and components which are used to keep generators and defences running in settlements all over the wasteland.

Who are The Prospectors.

Prospectors can be any race and tend to be good or neutral in alignment

when creating a Prospector here are some things to consider.
What made you choose to become a prospector?
are you doing it to help out your settlement or make a name for yourself in the wastes?
Which settlement are you from?
are you hunting for a long forgotten Relic of the old world?
What was your greatest find?


You can pick one trait from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.

1. I am uncomfortable in crowds due to a life lived in almost seclusion.
2. I am always looking for the next big break.
3. Luck favour’s the prepared, so I tend to be as prepared as I can possibly be (over prepared?)
4. When work needs doing, I do the work.
5. I am regularly tasting bits of old wire and metal in order to search for signs of old tech.
6. My conversation and social skills are a bit rusty – cursing at the ruins and singing myself to sleep does not breed civilized habits.


You can pick one ideal from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.

1. Change. Opportunity is hiding around the next corner.
2. Respect. Everyone deserves a chance to improve their station in life: with hard work and/or some luck.
3. Independence. I must prove that I can provide a good life for myself and my family.
4. Simplicity. A simple way of life: If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
5. Ambition. A successful person makes their own opportunities.
6. Wealth. With wealth comes power and happiness.


You can pick one Bond from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.

1. I am always willing to help out someone else who is down on their luck.
2. I am looking for that someone special to spend the rest of my life with.
3. I am out to stake my claim on a military ruin and make my fortune.
4. I share an empathy with every race and creature that digs through the rubble.
5. Love is fleeting, but junk lasts forever.
6. I count myself as one of the rich and powerful, even though I have not found my fortune yet. It is just a matter of time.


You can pick one Flaw from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.

1. Once I find a bit of precious junk, I cannot abandon the search until I have found and collected the cache.
2. I constantly scan the ground and my surroundings for signs of Scrap.
3. I am obsessed with a particular kind of pre-war tech and will pass up other treasure in pursuit of it.
4. I am boastful and tend to try to one-up others during conversations.
5. I am eternally pessimistic due to what seems like rotten luck.
6. I am eternally optimistic about striking it rich- more than a little too optimistic.

Bonuses & starting equipment.

Important skills.
The 5 main skills for a Prospector are.

Scavenging +5
Traps +5
Lock pick +5
Tinkering +5
Robotics +5

Starting equipment.

Perk & Disadvantage.

Thorough search.

When ever you use the Scavenging skill to look for items in the wasteland, you can Roll twice. Either granting Advantage or allowing you to loot a room twice.

Socially Awkward.

Due to the lengthy amounts of time you spend alone sifting through Ruins for salvage able scrap you find social situations Difficult,  you have disadvantage on all speech check made with the Intimidation or Deception Skill.