
Ghouls are mutated humans affected by the phenomenon of ghoulification. Intense and prolonged radiation has ravaged their skin, much of their flesh, and in some cases many of their ligaments. Despite their zombie-like appearance, the flesh of ghouls is not actually rotten and ghouls have greatly extended overall lifespans. They are also immune to radiation. Most known ghouls in the wasteland were created from vault-dwellers living in Vault 12 under the ruins of a pre-war city to the south, the vault is now widely known as Necropolis across the wastes although very few know its exact location.

Role in the Wasteland.

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Size medium,

Starting Hit Die D8

Level up Hit Die Class A

Ability score increase: Your perception Rises by 2 and your luck Rises by 1

Age. Most ghouls were alive before the great war making them at least 200 years old, but a human of any age can be transformed into a Ghoul through sudden exposure too intense Radiation nobody knows how long ghouls will live for as there are no records of ghouls dying of natural causes.

Racial Perks.

Radiation Immunity.

When in an irradiated area you can sense the radiation like a warm tingling sensation and the Feeling gets more intense in areas of Higher Radiation. 

Absorbed Radiation.

As a Ghoul you are Able to Absorb Radiation From your surroundings at a Rate of 1 Rad every 2 and a half minutes or 24 rads an hour. but you lose 2  points to the environment every hour.

You can Absorb a Number of Rads determined by your endurance attribute score, use the table Below to Roll your maximum Radiation absorption level. And Every second level add 1D4 more points to this score.

Endurance score Roll Minimum
1-4 1D4 2
5-8 1D12 6
9 2D8 8
10 1D20 10

Please Choose 2 of the following Radiation abilities, as ways to use your stored Radiation. 

Radioactive Blast.

You can use one bonus action to release a 10ft blast of radiation dealing 1D6 damage to any nearby creatures but you lose 1 rad for each creature You hit. 

Radioactive Regeneration.

You Can expend 1 Radiation Point to regenerate 1 Hit point. At any time but this Healing effect only works on Ghouls or ghoulified Creatures. Attempting this on a human or similar life form will irradiate the target at a rate of 1rad per rad expended.

Purifying Presence.

You can spend some Time intentionally drawing Radiation out of a specific Person object or Substance, Radiation absorbed using this Method takes longer  to absorb than standard Radiation (5 minutes Per rad). And you cannot carry out any other tasks while absorbing Radiation.

Glowing one.

You can Channel your Radiation into a Specific Body part and cause it to glow emitting a Bright Green light. This light casts bright light for 10 feet centred on the glowing limb, and then a Further 5feet of Dim light. The Light is green and makes determining colours difficult. 

For each minute you use this ability you loose 1 Rad to the environment.

Racial Disadvantages.

Decaying Flesh.

If you spend extended amounts of water either partially or fully submerged in water it will begin to Take a toll on your flesh and Muscles. Incurring the Following penalties.

After 1 hour your speed is Reduced by 10ft 

After 2 and a half hours you gain disadvantage to skill Rolls which require the use of your arms or Legs. 

After 5 hours you gain 1 level of exhaustion 

You will then gain another level of exhaustion every 5 Hours you are submerged. 

After exiting the water this effect lasts until you take a long Rest. The Exhaustion can only be Removed by the methods stated on the exhaustion page.

Ghoul Biology.

Thanks to their bizarre genetic makeup ghouls are reliant on Radiation and water to stay alive and avoiding turning feral you require twice as much water as a normal human. But Thanks to your ghoulified state You are immune to disease and do not need to eat.