Wasteland Traps.


Technically obstacles to avoid, rather than purposeful traps, a large number of decaying vehicles can be found around the wasteland. These nuclear-powered vehicles, suffering from two centuries of neglect and abuse, will almost deffinately catch fire and explode if heavily damaged. When an intact vehicle takes enough damage, it will release a small explosion and catch fire, giving warning to anyone nearby, upon hearing the explosion players have 6 seconds to escape to a safe distance. Once that period has elapsed, vehicles will go up in a much larger and more damaging nuclear explosion, similar in appearance and strength to a mini nuke. An exploding vehicle can be deadly to most everything nearby, and frequently, in cases of other, nearby vehicles, the first explosion can set off a chain reaction, which commonly has the potential to set off a massive, immediate explosion that can engulf a large radius, where the shrapnel sent flying out can also be just as deadly as the explosions.


Placed mines

Frag mines are weapons created for military use, and are commonly placed and armed in areas occupied by hostile forces, or in order to protect an area of high to moderate value. They have a very sensitive sensor that registers vibration through the ground, and once the vibrations exceed a certain level, the mines will begin their detonation process. A grace period that delays the detonation process is based on the exsplosive skill of the player triggering the device. Frag mines require a minimum explosives skill of 1 to make an attempt to disarm, meaning that all players should be able to disarm them from the start. Upon disarming a fragmentation mine, they player can pick them up, they can then be used as thrown weapons, sold for moderate value, or used in crafting

Concealed mine

Concealed mines typically appear as small, raised areas, resembling tiny concrete or dirt colored mounds. However, concealed mines can also be found hidden under objects such as traffic cones, buckets, and even under boxes. A perception check must be passed to locate a concealed mine, concealed mines require an explosives skill of 10 points higher than their non concealed counterparts, to Dissarm, concealed mines can be disarmed in the same manner as regular mines, and the player will be able to pick up a regular mine upon a successful disarming.

MINE Disarm Placed Disarm Concealed
Frag Mine 1 10
Bottle Cap Mine 10 20
Flash Bang Mine 15 25
Pulse Mine 30 40
Plasma Mine 40 50
Cryo Mine 50 60
Incindary Mine 55 65
Hallucigen Gas mine 60 70


Bear traps are spring-operated pairs of spiked jaws that snap shut on the legs of their victims, should the pressure switch in the center be pressure triggered, and can easily cripple limbs at lower levels. A repair skill of 30 is required to make an attempt
To disarm them; alternatively, attempting to shoot the pressure switches, or dropping a heavy enough object on them also works. Bear traps can be reset after being triggered, but this action requires a repair skill of 50

Swing object.

Swing objects are heavy objects (often a girder, engine, or rotting brahmin), that are chained to the ceiling, and are held up by a trip wire. When the wire is broken, the object swings down and impacts the interloper for a moderate amount of damage with a direct hit, or a minor amount of damage should it clip them. The trip wire requires a repair skill of 25 to attempt to disarm, or the object itself can be grabbed and manually moved to a safe position without any required skill; alternatively, with a powerful enough weapon, the objects can be shot at a distance to trigger them. Because of the nature of the trap, it can remain dangerous even after the initial trigger, and at certain angles, especially if run or pushed into.


Grenade bouquets are clusters of three frag grenades that are hung from the ceiling. When triggered, either by walking into them, shooting them, or walking through the nearby trip wire/pressure plates connected to them, the pins are pulled, and the three grenades will fall to the ground and explode shortly after. Both the trip wires and the grenades themselves can be disarmed, the grenades require an explosives skill of 30. Doing this allows the three grenades to be collected. If the players lack the required skill to disarm the traps, they may be able to shoot the rope holding up the grenades to make them fall and detonate prematurely. These traps are extremely dangerous, as the combined force of three grenades can be deadly, even to heavily equipped wastelanders. They make a tell-tale rattle noise as they fall, alerting those nearby, should they have failed to notice the trap beforehand.

Trapped pipe.

Similar to the grenade bouquet traps, some ventilation pipes have a grenade bouquet installed inside of them, in which their payload is primed and deployed by the activation of a nearby pressure plate or tripwire. They cannot be disarmed, though the trip wire or pressure plate can be. Once activated or the Trigger is Disarmed, the grenades inside will begin bouncing down through the pipes, before exiting just in time to explode.

Pitcher trap.

A common raider trap, pre-War pitching machines have been rigged to shoot Random. items, and even explosives, at nearby intruders, or even at nearby objects that will explode once hit by the machines. A nearby pressure plate or trip wire activates these contraptions, once activated they will then begin to fire their payloads in the direction that they are pointed, and will shut down once the payload has been expended. Either the activators can be disarmed, or the pitchers themselves. If the pitcher is disarmed this will render them permanently useless. Typically, these machines are not a huge threat in themselves, unless explosives are involved; however, the noise that they make is rather loud, and will alert nearby enemies or creatures to the activator's presence.

Gas leaks.

Gas leaks are found in areas which have filled with natural gases, that ignite if any sort of combustion occurs within the area of the leaks. They are usually found in sewage or metro tunnels, and can be visually detected by noting a wavering distortion in the air. When a gas leak is ignited, anything in the immediate vicinity takes a small amount of damage, is set on fire, and is knocked prone for one turn. This can be particularly dangerous in combat situations, as being knocked down will expose those caught in the blast to nearby enemies that were not exposed themselves. Ballistic weapons will set off a gas leak if fired within a cloud, but not when fired from the outside. Energy weapons, however, will set off the leak if the shot intersects with the cloud at any point. The detonation of any kind of explosive, such as seen with frag grenades, will also set off leaks. Finally, any item with an open flame, such as the flamer, heavy incinerator, or shishkebab, or the thrusters on a mr Handy or mr Gutsy unit will ignite the gas if it comes into contact with the cloud, regardless of whether or not they are actually used, since the pilot lights used to ignite them, are still active (holstering them will prevent this). To safely remove gas leaks, ignite them from a safe distance, which will permanent render the areas safe from future gas leaks.

Radiation Trap.

Radiation traps as the name suggests, release critical levels of radiation when activated. They require a repair skill of 60 to attempt to disarm, and are Rarely found in the wasteland often around ghouls or the children of Atom.


Rigged shotguns

Rigged shotguns are a simple but dangerous trap consisting of a combat shotgun wired to a nearby pressure plate or a trip wire. When triggered, they will fire off a single blast at the position of the trigger. A repair skill of 45 is required to attempt to disarm the shotguns, which will award the combat shotgun, four shotgun shells, and ten microfusion cells. Unlike other traps such as the grenade bouquets, rigged combat shotguns can be disarmed after having been triggered already.


Rigged Pram.

A particularly devious and complicated trap, rigged babies Prams consist of a pram, containing a toy baby head with a bomb and several frag mines strapped to it. Upon approaching the pram, a proximity sensor will cause the toy to emit a crying sound, before detonating shortly after with a fair amount of force. This is a rare trap, however, with trapped variants being discerned through an adequate view of the front of the pram, by looking for a baby head within, with its blinking left eye.

These trapped carriages require an explosives skill of 60 to Attempt to disarm, and like most other explosive traps, their frag mines can be salvaged. Once disarmed, the pram can be rearmed as a time bomb, or as a proximity bomb. These traps can also be grabbed and moved to a more useful position before re-arming, or they can be disarmed by shooting them at a distance.


Rigged postox

The rigged postbox is an ordinary pre-War postbox that has been rigged to explode if anything ventures too close to them. They can attempt to be disarmed with an explosives skill of 45, the frag mine within is awarded in turn. Afterwards, the postboxes can then be rearmed on either a timer or a proximity fuse. All rigged postboxes have a small metallic antenna poking out of the top of the letter slot, which helps in distinguishing them in good lighting conditions.


Rigged terminal

Rigged computer terminals can be found uncommonly across the wastes, and attempting to access them triggers their traps, causing a slight electrical shock followed by the detonation of a frag grenade tucked away inside. These trapped terminals can be recognized by the antenna sticking out of the back, as well as the warped rear panel. These traps can be deactivated by attempting to defuse the back panel with a repair skil of 50, which will award the frag grenade in turn. These terminals can then be rearmed, as either a timed explosive, or a proximity based explosive. Shooting these devices will set off the explosives, rendering them permanently destroyed.