Crimson Caravans.

Established around 2151 by Demetre Romara and Keri Lee, the Crimson Caravan Company quickly became one of the largest and most influential caravan houses in The North, with two out of six merchant representatives in the Hub's Council. Their rapid rise to prominence was the result of a company policy characterized by others as crazy: The Crimson Caravan would do any job, no matter the risk. As long as the client paid for their expensive services, Crimson Caravan would lead its heavily armed caravans to hell and back. Demetre considered the danger thrilling and exciting. Apparently, you can only feel alive with bullets flying everywhere and blowing enemies apart. Yet despite their apparent recklessness, the Crimson Caravan had the lowest caravan loss rate, even when you factor in the rising threat of super mutant raids (which had only claimed two caravans by 2162). The Crimson Caravan company stood the test of time and continuously expanded its operations. With the formation of the New  Republic it became one of the key drivers of its economy, establishing new trade routes and broadening its reach. By 2277, pretty much every major settlement within its influence has a Crimson Caravan branch.


The Crimson Caravan was also instrumental in reintroducing the bottle caps following the Brotherhood War and the destruction of the Republic's gold reserves. The resulting rush to withdraw life savings and the Republic's failure to pay back in gold nearly led to an economic collapse, causing many wastelanders to lose faith in it as a medium of worth, and causing  the merchants to reintroduce the bottle cap as currency out of frustration stemming from the Republic's ineptitude in handling the currency crisis. In the time leading up to the introduction, the merchants laid the foundations for bottle caps as a currency, establishing control of or destroying facilities that could fashion new bottle caps and seizing excessively large caches of old bottle caps (smaller ones in private hands were left alone, as their owners would readily embrace the returning bottle cap).


The Crimson Caravan Company is a well-organized merchant house, working like a well-oiled machine. In its early years, it was based out of the Hub, ran entirely by Demetre and Keri, whose eccentric ways and enthusiasm for violence pushed it to success (even if he handed out frag grenades as toys to prospective guards). It helped that Demetre didn't care about who worked for the company, as long as they protected the caravans. Although the company had the least frequent departures (on the 3rd and 17th of each month), they covered the most caravan destinations, including the Lost Hills bunker and Necropolis. The standing company policy was to hire experienced guards only. To compensate for the danger encountered on the way, the guards were paid 600 bottle caps per course, for a total of 1200 caps for a round trip.


The rise of the New Republic offered new possibilities for the company, ones it vigorously pursued. Its efforts to expand its economic influence also helped the Republic develop. Crimson Caravan modified its operations, with Hub serving as headquarters and local company branches opening in major markets: Pretty much all larger towns in both the Northern wastes  and the south. The new structure also allowed the company to attract wealthy investors who would provide the capital necessary to expand their operations. 


The Crimson Caravan Company focuses on reliable, rugged technologies in their activities. Its primary advantages are its industrial and agricultural capabilities, allowing the company to manufacture goods cheaply in large quantities and cultivate crops and livestock for sale and use. The venerable brahmin are the most important asset, as they act as beasts of burden capable of carrying large amounts of goods large distances. Whether they are pulling carts made from trucks or carrying packs on their backs, the brahmin were the key to the company's success ever since its foundation in 2151.

Personal protection uses cheap and reliable tools. The typical Crimson Caravaneer wears leather armor and carries rugged, reliable firearms for personal protection, such as Lever-action shotguns and Caravan shotguns. When not out in the field, caravaneers will opt for lighter, more practical outfits, like the aptly named caravaneer outfit.

In dangerous regions, the company will usually break apart its caravans into several smaller bands. The loss of efficiency is offset by the lower losses should a caravan get hit.

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