Supplemental Tables.

The Supplemental Tables Below Give you a way to Randomly determine Characteristics and other facts about individuals who are part of your characters life. use these Tables when directed to do so by another table or when you want to come up with a piece of information Quickly.

The Tables Below Are in Alphabetical order. 


Roll 3D6 Allignment
3 True Neutral
4-6 Lawful Neutral
7-9 Lawful Evil
10-12 Chaotic Neutral
13-15 Lawful Good
16-17 Chaotic Neutral
18 Chaotic Evil.


To determine a characters Background, you first need to Roll 1D100 on the background Roll table to determine what type of Background your character will have. Then Roll another 1D100 on the corresponding table to work out the specific background.


ROLL 1D100 Result
1-45 Settlers
46-66 Lawful Fighter
66-95 Unlawful Fighter
96-100 Wanderer


ROLL 1D100 Result
1-45 Settler
46-65 Tribal
66-75 Prospector
76-85 Child of Atom
86-90 Smuggler
91-95 Conman
96-100 Wasteland Doctor

Lawful Fighters.

ROLL 1D100 Result
1-45 Minutemen
46-70 Guards
71-90 Railroad
91-100 Regulator

UnLawful Fighters.

ROLL 1D100 Result
1-60 Raider
61-90 Gunner
91-100 Slaver


ROLL 1D100 Result
1-50 Caravaner
51-70 Reaver
71-85 Outcast
86-95 Courier
96-100 Vault Dweller

Cause of Death.

Roll 1D12 Cause of Death
1 Unknown
2 Murdered
3 Killed In Battle
4 Accident Related to Class or Occupation
5 Accident UnRelated to Class or Occupation
6-7 Natural Causes, Such as disease or old age
8 Apparent Suicide
9 Torn apart by Animals or Natural Dissaster
10 Killed by an Abomination
11 Executed for a crime or Tortured to death
12 Bizzare event, like being stepped on by a Behemoth Crushed by a Falling Eyebot or being decapitated by a sliding door.


Roll 1D20 Factions
1 The Church of Atom
2 The Institute
3-4 The Minute Men
5-6 The Republic
7 The RailRoad
8-9 The Gunners
10-14 Tribals
15-18 Raiders
19 The Enclave
20 The Brotherhood of Steel


Roll 1D100 Gender
Odd Male
Even Female


Roll 1D100 Occupation
01-05 Academic
06-10 Adventurer (Roll on the Background Table)
11 Aristocrat
12-26 Mechanic or Craftsman
27-31 Criminal
32-36 Entertainer
37-38 Exile, Hermit or Refugee
39-43 Explorer Or wanderer
44-55 Farmer or Herdsman
56-60 Hunter or Trapper
61-75 Laborer
76-80 Merchant
81-85 Politician or Bureaucrat
86-90 Preist Of Atom
91-95 Sailor
96-00 Soldier (Roll on The Faction Table)


Robot Humanoid or Mutant.

Roll 1D20 Gender
1-5 Robot
6-15 Human
16-20 Mutant


Roll1D20 Race
1-8 Mr Handy
9-15 Mr Gutsy
15-17 Duraframe Eyebot
18-20 Assaultron


Roll1D20 Race
1-9 Human
10-15 Ghoul
15-17 Synth (2nd Gen)
18-20 Splicer


Roll1D20 Race
1-10 Super Mutant
11-16 Nightkin
17-19 Mole Miner
20 Enclave Deathclaw


Roll 3D4 Attitude
3-4 Hostile
5-10 Friendly
11-12 Indifferant


Roll 3D6 Status
3 Dead (Roll For cause of Death)
4-5 Missing or Unknown
6-8 Alive, but Doing Poorly due to Injury, Finacial Troubles or Relationship Difficulties.
9-12 Alive and well
13-15 Alive and Quite succesful
16-17 Alive and Infamous
18 Alive and Famous

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