

The Nightkin were an elite group of super mutants and part of the Unity, created by the Master at Mariposa Military Base. The mutants were the apex of mutant development, corresponding with the Master's vision for the future of humanity. As the most successful examples of the transformation, nightkin considered exposure to FEV to be an unambiguous honor and a source of pride. They were provided with the finest equipment the Unity could muster, including stealth Boys.

The Master's death and destruction of the Unity was a traumatic experience, scattering the nightkin across the West, relying on their stealth gear to evade pursuers. Their reliance on this Stealth Technology has become an addiction, causing maladaptive behavior, paranoia, delusions, affected speech, brain damage, and most commonly of all, schizophrenia.

Role in the wasteland.


Size Medium

Starting Hit Dice D10

Level up Hit Dice Class B

Ability score increase: your perception rises by 2 and your strength rises by 1

Age. Once exposed to the F.E.V the aging process is halted the first Nightkin were created in 2102 and creation stopped when the Unity fell in 2162 meaning the all known Nightkin are around 135-200 years old


Cell Regenartion.

Thanks to the regeneration of your cells you take Radiation at half of the Normal Rate and are immune to all disease.

Stealth boy.

Your in built stealth boy allows you turn invisible at will, while invisible you have advantage to all Stealth skill Rolls.

You may Choose any two of the perks Below as a ways to utilise the Stealth Boy ability.

Stealth Shot.

when you Turn invisible during Combat all attacks you make gain an advantage to Hit. And all shots made against you have disadvantage and a -25 penalty.  

Disabling Touch.

While invisible you have the ability to silently disable any Robot you can get within Touch Range, to disable a Robot you must pass a Robotics skill check set by your Dm.


When you are invisible and armed with a small or Medium blade melee weapon such as a knife or a sword. You gain the ability to make a Back Stab attack. 

When you make the back stab attack on a successful hit you always deal critical Damage, if you roll a critical hit when making a Back stab attack you deal double damage. 

Ghost Walker.

Whilst invisible you gain advantage to agility checks  and saving throws made too avoid traps or hazards and on saving throws against their effects.

Light Touch.

Whilst invisible when attempting to pickpocket or Reverse pickpocket a Npc, you gain an advantage on top of this the target doesnt get advantage when Rolling to notice You. 

Racial Disadvantages.

Easily swayed.

You are highly susceptible to manipulation in any form from Pre-war advertising to the orders of a maniacal raider Boss, whenever you are confronted with manipulation you must make an endurance check set by the Dm, more serious threats will have a higher Dc. 

Don't look at Me.

While your stealth boy allows you to turn invisible it takes a toll on your mental Health and gives you stealth sickness additionally When you are seen you have disadvantage to all speech and barter rolls.

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