The Effects of Nuclear Fallout.

The results of the nuclear war were devastating, as they combined with biological and chemical weapons that saw widespread use during the Sino-American War. The most significant result was a global climate shift, manifesting as extensive desertification, across America The changes in climate led to widespread alterations of the ecosystems across the globe. The United kingdom saw a significant change as the climate became more tropical this fact combined with widespread mutations from the radiation and F.E.V meant that many plants grew at an accelerated rate covering a majority of the nation in dense jungle like woodland and thick swamps, many plants mutated further creating toxic spores or spewing highly corrosive acid, a majority of the fruit that grew could not be eaten due to nearly lethal levels of radiation and this caused several safe to eat crop variants to be genetically modified by survivors to provide food to the growing settlements.


Animals were also adversely affected. The combination of radioactive fallout and various local mutagens, particularly the Forced Evolutionary Virus in led to widespread mutation. By 2080, new species were created almost overnight, replacing animals that died out or were out-competed. The most notable mutated species to emerge from this melting pot of genotypes is the brahmin, a mutated Indian Brahman cattle variant. Once the mutation stabilized, the Brahmin turned out to be well suited for the harsh conditions of the wasteland, requiring little water and relatively small grazing areas, while providing plenty in return, including milk, meat, leather, bone, transportation et cetera. As such, it rapidly became the most widespread livestock animal in New world and the backbone of many a wasteland economy.


Another notable mutation is the Death claw. Originally engineered before the Great War as a cheap replacement for human troops during combat operations, Deathclaws were derived from a mixed animal stock, primarily the popular Jackson's Chameleon. Although the project was successful in creating a ferocious predator capable of surviving on its own in the wild, no references exist of them ever being used in combat. After the Great War, Deathclaws escaped into the wild and quickly spread across the land. After exposure to the Forced Evolutionary Virus they become the deadliest predator in the wasteland, Because initial reports were limited to a series of isolated nests, Deathclaws were viewed as legendary creatures by the various settlements. However, the population in the Boneyard was keenly aware of their existence, as a single den mother and her offspring stalked the area killing anyone who wandered to close.


The third notable mutation Mirelurks have the dubious distinction of being one of the first radioactive mutants to emerge into the world, as a result of widespread radioactive pollution of the environment by United States megacorporation’s such as Poseidon Energy or General Atomics. Although the Great War put an end to corporate pollution, it was replaced by overwhelming amounts of nuclear fallout instead. In the ensuing melting pot of mutations, the modern Mirelurks emerged. Attempts to classify the resulting creatures have proven difficult. Due to the large variety of Mirelurks each with unique Mutations Although Mirelurks tend to inhabit polluted rivers, coastal waters, and sewers, their meat is considered a delicacy among wastelanders. Mirelurk hunters and herders can count on a steady demand for their meat and make a high profit selling it to wasteland traders. However, the size of the meat market means competition is stiff and suppliers can be targeted by rivals attempting to knock them out of the market.


The exposure to radiation also had a strange effect on the local insects causing them to grow several feet in size, Giant insects are one of the most common creatures to find in the wasteland and vary from common insects such as giant ants and Beetles. to Cazadores giant stinging insects most closely related to the tarantula hawk and giant Radscorpions, a similar effect has taken place on many of the birds’ reptiles and mammals causing them to grow larger and more ferocious some even took on strange new mutations such as the ability to turn invisible spit acid or produce electricity

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