

The Assaultron was constructed by RobCo Industries and sold to the Military as a frontline wartime combatant as early as 2072. Assaultrons are fast and deadly at close range. They are quick, nimble and customizable, with a variety of weaponry such as lasers and razor-sharp claws. An Assaultron will not stop until its core is damaged. Even after losing limbs and pieces of machinery, it continues to fight on.

In terms of design, the Assaultron is intended for melee combat and durability. To that end, it was designed using proven reliable technologies. The Assaultron is equipped with actuators, chain-powered limbs, and covered in thick armour plating. Modular arms allow for swapping its loadout with weaponry most appropriate for the mission profile. The Assaultron's standard weapon is a combination of a claw and blades. Its legs are powered by a combination of hydraulic actuators and springs to allow it to quickly move upon its foes and unleash a devastating melee chain attack. The crown jewel is the head laser, mounted in its centre and capable of devastating the opposition when fully charged. For protection, its red lens is surrounded by thick armour plating and distracts enemies from the optical receptors concealed at the top of the head. The Assaultron's only disadvantage is that it is a pure combat design. It has a decent carrying capacity, but well below that of the other designs.

Roles in the wasteland.

Heavily modified Assaultron's are known to wander the Commonwealth, ranging from those with Protectron heads to better make use of laser weapons used to guard the Caravans,  to those that replace their legs with a Mister Handy thruster for even more speed and wield dual Shishkebabs in place of claws hunting Raiders with the Regulators. There are also heavily modified and makeshift armour designs that give the Assaultron a fearsome visage often found along side Raiders. 


Size Large

Starting Hit Dice. D12

Level up Hit Dice. Class C 

Ability score increase: your Endurance rises by 1 and your Strength rises by 2

Age. All Assaultron units were created before the Great war 200-205 years ago.


Robotic immunity.

Thanks to their Robotic structure Assaultron Units are immune to the effects of Radiation and gain Dark Vision.

Dark vision. You can see 30ft in darkness as if it were bright light then a further 30ft as low light.

Robotic Customisation.

An Assaultron unit can be modified with any Robotic attachments or Parts, Providing the Player visits a Mechanic or Spends 8Hrs carrying out the Required Repairs and modifications. With a second Pc or Npc who must pass a Dc100 Robotics check within 3 attempts.

Protectron Laser.

Assaultron Units Come with a head mounted laser capable of dealing 5D6+5 Energy damage and dealing 1D6 radiation damage to anyone within a 5ft radius. 

The laser takes 1 turn to prime, during this time the assaultron cannot move, make a full action or an attack, the lazer activates at the beginning of the players next turn using 1 full action. 

In the round between the assaultron priming the laser and activating the laser they are considered prone and all parties gain advantage to Atack Rolls against them. 


Component Breakdown.

Your internal circuits and mechanical components can be damaged over time by exposure to water and extreme weather causing parts of you too seize or suffer malfunctions.

Water damage is taken when you are at least 50% submerged in water.

Assaultron modifications.

Due to the Method you were constructed you cannot use Standard Tools or weapons, you may only use Robotic Attachments. And you can only Have one active attachment per arm and one waist attachment at any one time, to switch attachments you must spend 1hour carrying out the upgrades and a second pc or Npc must pass a Dc100 Robotics check in 3 attempts. 

To attempt to switch attachments from one Robot type too another you must make repairs as stated in the Robotic Customisation perk.