Cassidy Caravans.

Established in 2243 Cassidy Caravans was formed around Cass after she realized by making deliveries from one town to another, she could get paid to travel the wastes. From these humble beginnings the company grew and branched out further afield, Reaching a Level of Presence that was perceived a threat By the Crimson Caravan Company. who in an effort to stamp out the competition hired The Newly Formed Talon Company Mercenaries to Target and Destroy all Cassidy Caravans in the wasteland. For the next Years a Blood battle ranged across the wastes between the small company and Crimson caravans eventually Causing Cass to Change Tactics to Keep her company afloat. Over the Next 10 Years Cass traveled the wastes uniting the small independent  caravan companies, underneath the already established Cassidy caravans banner. By 2277 Cassidy caravans has grown to be the second largest Caravan Company in The wastes. Composed of trusted independent Merchants the Company offers a 20% Discount between its members in exchange for a 5% cut of all Profits. 

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