Drinking And Being Drunk.

Alcohol Tolerance 

All Playable Races that Can Drink Alcohol Have an Alcohol Tolerance, This Tolerance Controls How many units they can Drink In a single Drinking session Before They Begin to suffer the affects of Being drunk. a Drunken Player may Suffer Both Advantages or disadvantages based on their Rolls on The alcohol Effects Roll Tables At the bottom of this page. Below is a Table displaying the method to Calculate each Races Alcohol Tolerance.

the Number in this score shows how many Units your Player can Consume Before They Pass out. For example a Human Player with 8 Endurance would Have a Tolerance of 8 Units and after the 8th unit may Pass out from Drinking. 

Alcohol TOLERANCE Table.  

Race. Tolerance Modifier.
Human. Endurance Score +0
Synth. Endurance Score +0
Splicer. Endurance Score +1D2
Ghoul. Endurance Score +1D4
NightKin Endurance Score +1D6
Super Mutant Endurance Score +1D10

The Effects of Alcohol.

as a Player Becomes increasingly Drunk they will Need To Roll on the Effects of alcohol Roll Tables Below when a Player passes 25% of their Tolerance in units They will Need To Roll On The First Roll Table. once they reach 50% they must roll on the second Roll Table and Then on the Third after they reach 75%. for our Human with a Tolerance of 8 her First Roll would Be after she consumed her 3rd Unit. She would then Need to Roll again on the second Table After her 4th unit and on the 3rd Table after Her 6th. 

Once a Player Makes Their First Roll on The third Table they then roll each Time a unit is consumed until they Pass their Maximum Tolerance, at This point The Player Rolls on The Fourth Roll Table For Each Unit Or Until They Pass Out. If a Result is Rolled twice Roll again unless it states it can Be taken twice.

again For our Human Character she would Roll The third table after consuming her 6th, 7th and 8th Units Before switching to the Fourth on her 9th unit. and then roll on The 4th Table until She passes out. If a player Passes out They are Unconscious For 1D12 Hours and regain no Hp or exhaustion Points from The Rest. 

If a Player exceeds 75% of their Maximum tolerance, the next Day they are considered to have a Hangover and Gain 1 level of Exhaustion. 

Removing Units & effects.

each Unit of alcohol Only stays in Your system for 1 Hour and Effects are removed once you fall below the percentage of units for the Bracket. all Table 4 Effects are removed once a player is Below 100% of their Tolerance, All Table 3 Effects are removed once a Player Falls Below 75% of their Maximum Tolerance, all Table 2 Effects are Removed when a player falls below 50% and Finally all Level one Effects are removed once a Player Falls below 25% of their maximum Tolerance. 



Roll Table 1.

Roll 1D8 Effect
1 You are Begining to Stumble Your speed is reduced by 5Ft.
2 Filled with Druken rage Your unarmed Attacks Now Deal an extra 1D4 Damage.
3 Your reactions Begin to slow, You Can No Longer make Bonus Actions.
4 The More You drink The looser Your Tounge Becomes Advantage to all speech and Barter Checks.
5 As You Drink notice Less of whats around You -10 To perception Rolls.
6 Youve Developed a Slur to Your speech and a Hiccup. (ROLE PLAY THIS EFFECT).
7 you are begining To lose Your Balance, as a Result You Have disadvantage on Ranged Attacks Over 20Ft.
8 When You move in or out of combat, Roll 1D20 on a Roll of 2 or more You stumble and Fall prone this number increases by one for each Drinking effect you have.

Roll Table 2.

Roll 1D8 Effect
1 Filled with Druken Rage Your unarmed Attacks Now Deal an extra 1D8 Damage.
2 Youve Reached a Point where you no longer worry about what your saying +25 to speech and Barter Checks.
3 You can No Longer Walk In a Straight line your speed is Reduced By 10Ft.
4 you're Becoming increasingly oblivious of your Surroundings, -25 To All Perception Checks.
5 Your Reaction Times have slowed, You can longer make an action and an attack in The same Turn.
6 Your Druken state has left you needlessly Defensive Anytime an Npc speaks to You or you speak to an Npc Roll 1D10 on a Roll of 4 or less you React angrily or Agressively.
7 You balance is Off and as a Result you now Have disadvantage on all Ranged attacks over 5Ft.
8 When people speak you find things a lot funnier than you should and get easily Confused. (ROLE PLAY THIS EFFECT).

Roll Table 3.

Roll 1D10 Effect
1 Pass Out.
2 You Are slow to notice your surroundings, Disadvantage to all Pecreption and innitiative Rolls.
3 Thanks to The amount of alcohol You Have consumed you know think You are Indestructible Gain 1D12 Temporary Hit Point, The Second Time You Roll This effect add 1D6.
4 Getting around Is growing More and More DIfficult You Lose 15Ft from Your Speed.
5 Your Motor skills are Begining To suffer From Your Intoxication, when You make an attack with a Mellee weapon and Miss Roll 1 D20 on a Roll of 6 Or lower You Hit Yourself with the attack.
6 Pass Out.
7 You Are struggling with even The simplest Tasks, disadvantage to every second Roll.
8 Your Head is spinning the Room wont keep still Rest your Head on the Table and Vlose your eyes for 1D20 minutes. During this time any attempt to carry out an action Requires an Endurance saving Throw or You Vommit and Lose 1D4-1Hp.
9 You can No longer Focus on where you want to Go, if you attempt to move during combat Roll 1D20 on a Roll of 5 or less you stumble off in a random Direction.
10 Your Blood alcohol level is Through the Roof as a Result the effects of all Chems are doubled but the effects of all healing items are Halved.

Roll Table 4

Roll 1D10 Effect
1 Pass Out.
2 Pass Out.
3 The alcohol Has Thrown off Your Focus -50 To all Rolls
4 Pass Out.
5 You Have become Too Drunk To Speak you can No longer apply your Speech or Barter Skill Modifiers.
6 You are now so Drunk You can Barely Move, 5 Feet of movement now costs 10feet , and 5 feet of movement in difficult terrain 20 feet.
7 Pass Out.
8 Your Motor skills are failing you Disadvantage Too All Rolls.
9 You Have Begun to Violentlty Vomit on Your Turn in Combat Roll 1D20 on a Roll of 10 or Less your Turn is Skipped as You Throw up.
10 Pass Out.