Duraframe Eye-Bot.


One of the more elegant creations of RobCo Industries, the Eye-Bot is a hovering robot designed for a variety of purposes. On the surface, it was designed for giving consumers instant access to radio and television on the go. It uses a sophisticated antenna array to deliver the latest news bulletins and presidential addresses (among other things) even in subterranean areas, like subways. However, it was also outfitted with advanced facial and auditory recognition technology, making it a useful tool for surveillance and security. Although the design was compact and quite sophisticated, there was still room for expansion. The Enclave attempted to create a line of superior Duraframe Eye-Bots, but eventually scrapped the program, leaving one survivor. The automated bases of SpicerHill and Ashton later reproduced these robots in number, creating dedicated repair and medical variants, showcasing the potential still remaining in the humble Eye-Bot.

Role in the wasteland.

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Size Small

Starting Hit Dice D8

Level up Hit Dice D4

Ability score increase: your perception  rises by 1 and your agility rises by 2.

Age. Duraframe Eye-Bots Have only been in production for the last 80 years.


Robotic Immunity.

Thanks to their Robotic structure Eye-Bot Units are immune to the effects of Radiation. And gain Dark Vision ability.

Dark vision. You can see 30ft in darkness as if it were bright light then a further 30ft as low light.

Internal Thrusters.

As Duraframe Eye-Bots hover 5 Feet off of the Ground they do not suffer a Penalty for Difficult Terrain you also have advantage to long jumps and climbing checks

Specialist Chips.

A Duraframe Frame Eye-Bot has 1D8+8 Skill Chip Slots. In order to Change your equipped skill Chips a Player must spend 4 Hours carrying out the Necessary upgrades and Repairs with one Npc or PC who is Required to pass a Dc100 Robotics Check within 3 Attempts. 

Passive Skills.

Passive skills are skills which Do not require a chip to be active for the player to add the skills modifier. The skills below are Passive.


Racial Disadvantage.

Component Breakdown.

Your internal circuits and mechanical components can be damaged over time by exposure to water and extreme weather causing parts of you too seize or suffer malfunctions.

Water damage is taken when you are at least 50% submerged in water.

Eyebot Probes.

Due to the Method you were constructed you cannot use Standard Tools or weapons, you may only use Eye-Bot Specific Attachments. An Eye-Bot can only Have 3 active Probes at any one time, to switch probes you must spend 1hour carrying out the upgrades and a second pc or Npc must pass a Dc100 Robotics check in 3 attempts.

Compact Model.

Due to the Compact design of Eye-Bots they are only able to have a certain Number of Active Skills at any one Time, each non passive skill Requires a specialist Chip to be Active for the player to use its Modifier, if a Skill is not active a player can still use the skill but without adding the modifier. 

Additionally your Max carry capacity is always 100lbs, equiped armor and probes are not counted.

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