Level 5.

Old world repairs (level 1)

Level 5 intelligence 5 repair 25
With this perk you can now attempt to repair any simple old-world machinery,
Requires a DC 50 Repair check

Hand to Hand Fighting (level 1)

Level 5 Agility unarmed 45
Allows two unarmed attacks per turn

Check up

Level 5 intelligence 5 medicine 25
Your knowledge of Medicine allows you to check the condition of injured humanoids to determine the cause of injury as well as check for poisoning and disease
Requires a DC 50 Medicine check

Retailer Relations

Level 5 charisma 6 perception 3 Barter 30
after spending 10 minutes in a Settlement or camp, you know where all stores, markets, and other places of trade are located and what they sell. You also gain advantage on skill checks when trying to get information from the traders about the town and its people, or anything else that they would normally be unwillingly to talk about.

Defensive Intellect

Level 5 intelligence 5 Science 30 (or history 30)
You can add half of your Science (or History) modifier to your AC. You don't apply this bonus if you’re wearing heavy armour or power armour and it can’t be higher than plus 35 if you’re wearing medium armour.

Friend of the night (level 2)

Level 5 Perception 6 sneak 40
You move silently among the shadows at night you have advantage on all stealth checks. And your foes have disadvantage.

Heave ho level 1

Level 5 strength5 explosives 30
All thrown explosives now have a 10ft greater range.

Hunter (level 1)

Level 5 perception 5 survival 30
You have learned to hunt a preferred prey your attacks toward this creature class now do 25% more damage (applies only to one of the following, reptiles, birds or mammals)

Rapid reload level 1

Level 5 agility 5 guns 30
You can now reload a pistol as a bonus action instead of a full action


Level 5 intelligence 4
Skill magazines now last twice as long,
(Lasting for 2 rolls in a single skill instead of 1)

Entomologist level 1

Level 5 Intelligence 4 survival 30
You do 25% extra damage against irradiated insects.

Travel light

Level 10 agility 5 strength 5
While wearing light armour or no armour, movement speed is reduced by 5 feet in difficult terrain

Fortune Finder

Level 5 luck 6
More bottle caps will be found in stockpiles.

Lead belly (level 1)

Level 5 Endurance 7
25% less radiation taken from food and water sources.

Stronger picks

Level 5 Luck 5 lock pick 25
Your lock picks are twice as strong, now snapping on the second failed attempt instead of the first.

Take Down

Level 5 strength 5 unarmed 25
With this perk when you make an unarmed attack on a hit you can halve the damage to your target and knock them prone. You must wait 2 turns after use, before you can use this Ability again.

Laser Focused (level 1)

Level 5 intelligence 5 perception 5 energy weapons 25
With this perk all attacks made with energy weapons gain a +1 damage bonus

Clean shot (level 1)

Level 5 Strength 5 perception 5 guns 25
With this perk all attacks made with guns weapons gain a +1 damage bonus

Cut and Run (level 1)

Level 5 strength 5 Intelligence 6 explosives 20
This perk allows you to attempt to disarm simple placed mines. Eg. Landmines EMP and Thermal mines
Requires a DC 50 Explosives check

Trade routes 

Level 5 Intelligence 5 history 30
When traveling between settlements and camps you may spend a short rest studying maps and plotting a course. this allows you to reach your location 5% faster.
This increases by 10% each Time you take this perk

Traders Sense

Level 5 charisma 5 barter 45
you can make an attempt to figure out what sort of items a trader would be interested in buying and what selling strategy would be most effective. If you succeed, both checks you gain a 5% bonus on all items you sell.
This increases by 10% each Time you Take This Perk 

Ears Peeled

Level 5 perception 4 survival 30
It doesn’t tend to be safe out at night, and you’ve learned to be ready for anything, when you’re sleeping, you are easily awakened by slight noises that aren’t natural to the area. When conscious, you cannot be surprised.

Look again

Level 5 Luck 5 Scavenging 35
If you Don’t find Anything inside a Room or container on your first look, you can search it a second time.

Tracking (level 1)

Level 5 Perception 5 Survival 30
With this perk you learn to track creatures in the wasteland, you can only tell what kind of creature has left the tracks and which direction they went, by passing A Dc 50 survival check.


Level 5 Luck 5 Charisma 5 Barter 20
This perk allows you to attempt to barter with any merchant for a 5% discount to all purchased items and a 5%increase to all sold items
You must pass a Barter contest against the merchants Perception (The merchant is considered to have disadvantage).

Weapon check (Energy weapons)

Level 5 perception 5 science 20 Energy weapons 20
With this perk you gain the ability to check the condition of your Energy weapons

Weapon check (Guns)

Level 5 perception 5 Repair 20 Guns 20
With this perk you gain the ability to check the condition of your Guns

Bone Breaker

Level 5 strength 7 Melee weapons 35
On a critical hit with A bludgeoning melee weapon you grant the target disadvantage on all attacks.
roll 1d6 to determine the number of rounds this affect lasts

Weapon check (Energy Melee)

Level 5 perception 5 science 20 Melee weapons 20
With this perk you gain the ability to check the condition of your Energy Melee weapons
Applies to all melee weapons with electronic components (eg. Ripper, Powerfist, Shishkebab)

Weapon check (Melee weapons)

Level 5 perception 5 Repair 20 Melee Weapons 20
With this perk you gain the ability to check the condition of your Melee weapons
Applies to all melee weapons that don’t have electronic components eg. Golf club, Katana, Combat Knife

Reboot systems

Level 5 Intelligence 4 science 30
If you fail at hacking a terminal and get locked out you can Reset the system for one final attempt at the passcode.

Hacking (level 1)

Level 5 intelligence 5 science 20
This perk allows you to make an attempt to unlock simple terminals without rolling first.

Home on the Range (level 1)

Level 5 Perception 5 strength 5 survival 20
When spending the night in the wasteland you can now build a fire from materials nearby allowing you and your party to rest without a shelter.

Scrounger (Energy weapons)

Level 5 luck 5 energy weapons 40
When scavenging this perk will allow you to find 20% more Ammo for Energy weapons
After your roll you will get a 20% bonus rounded down to the nearest number. Only Applies to energy weapon ammunition

Scrounger (guns)

Level 5 luck 5 guns 40
When scavenging this perk will allow you to find 20% more Ammo for small guns
After your roll you will get a 20% bonus rounded down to the nearest number. Only Applies to guns ammunition

Bigger Blasts

Level 5 strength 3 Intelligence 3 explosives 15
The radius of all thrown explosives you use increases by 5ft


Level 5 strength 5 melee weapons 40
Your attacks with Bladed melee weapons now inflict Bleeding on a critical Hit
Roll 1D4 for the length of time your target Bleeds for, Bleeding inflicts 1d4 damage.

Rad resistance level 1

Level 5 endurance 5 survival 35
You take 25% less radiation from the environment.

Quick draw (melee weapons)

Level 5 Agility 5 melee weapons 35
When changing weapons in combat it costs a bonus action not a full action
(Only applies to melee weapons)

Quick draw (guns)

Level 5 Agility 5 guns 35
When changing weapons in combat it costs a bonus action not a full action
(Only applies to Guns)

Quick draw (energy weapons)

Level 5 Agility 5 energy weapons 35
When changing weapons in combat it costs a bonus action not a full action
(Only applies to energy weapons)


Level 5 strength 7 unarmed 30
Your Ac is permanently raised by 30

Laser Commando

Level 5 perception 5 energy weapons 40
Your accuracy is raised, giving you a +25 bonus to all AC roles (when using energy weapons)


Level 5 perception 5 guns 40
Your accuracy is raised, giving you a +25 bonus to all AC roles (when using guns)


Level 5 explosives 45 guns 45, melee weapons 45
25% extra damage done by dynamite, hatchets, knives, revolvers,


Level 5 strength 5 unarmed 30
You can no longer be knocked prone by unarmed or melee attacks

Animal friend

Level 5 perception 5 survival 35
Animals will no longer attack you in combat unless you attack them first

Unclean living

Level 5 Endurance 5 survival 40
The cloud, and the Pitt's smog have 50% less effect on you

Light step

Level 5 perception 6 agility 6
You no longer set of floor traps like landmines and trip wires


level 5
You can add 15 points to any skill (This perk can only be taken once)

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