Stealth Sickness.

The Nightkin  are the perfect fulfillment of the mutation, with the highest level of strength, resiliency, and their intelligence retained or even enhanced by the Mutation process. However subsequent alterations to their biology were caused by prolonged use of Stealth Boy technology. The stealth field caused permanent Re-coloration of their skin pigment, to a gray-blue color. More importantly, it has caused neuro-chemical changes to occur in their brains, leading to mental instability and disorders, including schizophrenia, delusions, and even split personalities. as Nightkin  developed their mental disorders, their personality slowly changed. hey slowly started to lose tolerance for being seen, relying increasingly on their Stealth Boy to remain invisible to the naked eye, fueling a vicious cycle of cumulative mental damage.

Sanity points.

as a Night kin uses their stealth Boy they will begin to lose sanity points and the longer the stealth boy is active the faster stealth points will be depleted Resulting in Disadvantages Being imposed onto the Player. 

when creating your character your Dm will calculate your sanity point  for a Nightkin the number of sanity points is equal to their endurance score plus half of their Intelligence score (rounded down)  and multiplied by 5 

For example a character with 7 endurance and 5 intelligence would have a sanity score of  45 points and once the player had lost all 45 points they would develop one level of Stealth sickness and a gain one disadvantage from the list Below Set By the players sickness level.  

Sanity Disadvantages By level.

Level 1.

A). "I keep whatever I find."

B). "Sometimes I lose my, train of thought and forget what I'm saying." 

C). "Sometimes I totally forget where I am, and what I'm doing." 

Level 2.

A). “Being drunk keeps me sane.”

B). " I have begun to develop a ritualistic habit, I believe this habit will keep me sane." 

C). " sometimes i think I am somebody else I can see, having an out of body experience. I must get back to my body." 

Level 3.

A). "I cannot Trust other Races, only my brothers speak the truth." 

B). "I'm begin to suspect there may be forces working against me, as a result I'm always slightly on edge."

C)."I have Begun to think out loud more often than not I vocalise my thoughts." 

Level 4. sEE rOLL tABLES.

Level 5.

A). "I am convinced all Birds are enemy spies, I must destroy them no matter the cost."

B). " I am ... UNSTOPPABLE."

C). " I am quickly irritated by things that may seem trivial, some times this irritation makes me react violently."

Level 6.

A). "No matter how strong I get, there will always be a bigger fish."

B). "I can never stay in the same place for too long, my enemies will always find me."

C). 'Sometimes an item will catch my eye, I must have it even if the owner is unwilling to give it to me." 

Level 7.

A). “I am the smartest, wisest, strongest, fastest, and most beautiful person I know.”

B). "My opinion is the best, I am always right & others are always Wrong." 

C). "If I am invisible, I can enter the nearest persons thoughts and  when I speak I communicate silently with them." 

Level 8. sEE rOLL tABLES.

Level 9.

A). “There’s only one person I can trust. And only I can see this Special friend.”

B). "I have decided a certain Race exists only in my mind, I must ignore them to keep the madness at bay." 

C). "Occasionaly I will interrupt my Parties conversations with others, by screaming loudly or agressively and activating my stealth Boy." 

Level 10.

A). "Others can Hear my thoughts, I must wear a protective helmet to keep them secret."

B). “Achieving my goal is the only thing of interest to me, and I’ll ignore everything else to pursue it.”

C). "I am convinced the wind is trying to talk to me, occasionally I stop and Have loud conversations with it forgetting my current situation." 

Level 11.

A). "Bees have begun to randomly swarm around me I must protect myself from their stings" 

B). “I find it hard to care about anything that goes on around me.”

C). “I try to become more like someone else I know adopting his or her style of dress, mannerisms, and name.”

Level 12. sEE rOLL tABLES.

Level 13.

A). “I am convinced that powerful enemies are hunting me, and their agents are everywhere I go. I am sure they’re watching me all the time.”

B). " i have developed a serious fear of a fairly common item, material, substance or creature." 

C). " I strongly believe that when my eyes are closed the world around me pauses"

Level 14.

A). " I experience vivid Hallucinations and as a result I struggle to tell what is and isn't Real."

B). “I can’t take anything seriously. The more serious the situation, the funnier I find it.”

C). "What belongs to the party, Truly belongs only to me."

Level 15.

A). “I’ve discovered that I really like killing people.”

B). "If I Cover myself in the Guts of another, I will become that person."

C). "Somebody has my eaten my Fancy lad Snack Cakes, I will search the inside of peoples Stomachs until I find them."

Level 16. sEE rOLL tABLES.

Level 17

A). "My enemies are all around me, and I must kill them all." 

B). "Those I trust deserve better than this world, I must free them from their mortal Binds." 

C). "I am cursed by fits of Blind psychotic Rage, they overtake me when I am seen by others." 

Level 18.

A). "The sun burns, The moon Burns everything Burns" 

B). "I'm always So Hungry, I could Eat anything." 

C). "My own eyes are Deceiving me, only the voices speak the truth."

Level 19.

A).  "My legs Have Grown weak below me, I cannot walk." 

B). "My Hands Have Grown disobedient, I can no longer Hold onto things."

C). " I have forgotten how to do even the most basic of tasks, I need help with everything" 

Level 20. sEE rOLL tABLES.

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