

Despite the existence of various mutations, humans are still the most common humanoid creatures on Earth. Post-nuclear humans, as a direct result of the radiation, exposure to the F.E.V. and some other biochemical agents released into the environment during and after the Great War, exhibit more diversity, primarily in genetic structure. The aforementioned factors have resulted in an increased rate of mutations in humans, most of these changes are non-lethal, non-damaging variations in the human DNA that simply increase the gene pool variety. Also, humans with minor mutations, like additional toes, skin lesions, permanent red eyes, permanent varicose veins or complete lack of hair, are still considered to be normal humans.

Role in The wasteland.

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Size medium

Starting Hit Die D8,

Level up Hit Die Class A

Ability score increase: you gain 3 additional special points

Age. Humans in the wastes mature around the age of 18 and live on average until the age of 60.

Racial Perks.

Extra Perk.

As a Human You gain a bonus perk point  at level 5.

You may choose two of the Following Perks for your character, please note that each perk comes with a corresponding Disadvantage which can be found at the bottom of the Page.

Optional Perks.

Vault-Tec. Automated Targeting System. (V.A.T.S)

By taking This per you gain the ability to use the vault-Tec assisted targeting system to Gain an Advantage on attack Rolls for one Round. The V.A.T.S system takes 2 turns to recharge after each use.


Thanks to humans being the dominant Race in the Wasteland you can easily blend in to most situations, when you dress in a disguise you do not draw any attention to yourself, this perk  grants disadvantage to any creature or Robot attempting to find you or identify you as a potential threat.


You spend more time with Robots than People as a Result you've learned how to easily hack and Reprograme Robots you encounter in the Wasteland. 

You can attempt to hack any Robot within touch Range you can issue a Command to a hacked robot and it will carry out your order. Each hack allows you to issue a single command.

The command you issue cannot cause the robot to harm itself or put itself into a fatally dangerous Situation. 

Chemically Trained.

While exploring the Wasteland you have studied and practiced Chemistry. You have an advantage when attempting to Craft any Chemical compounds or Solutions. Additionally you can attempt to mix up compounds and solutions even when using damaged equipment in the Wasteland. 

Racial Disadvantages.

Slow moving (V.a.t.s)

When you use your Vats ability during Combat on your next turn your speed is Reduced to 25% as you re-adjust to your Surroundings.

Unnoticeable (inconspicuous).

Unfortunately Your inconspicuous Nature works a little too well, when attempting to get the attention of a party member, creature or Npc. You do so with Disadvantage. 

Unsociable (Mechanist).

Your time spent with Robots has come at a cost, while you've mastered Robotics you're out of practice with social Norms. As a Result you have disadvantage when making speech based deception or persuasion checks.

Under Trained (chemically Trained).

You've spent your time learning chemistry and as a result you lack knowledge in a Specific field of engineering, choose one from the following list.


You gain a permanent disadvantage to the specific field of your choice.

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