Protection at a Minute’s Notice
The  Minutemen have little formal organization, being more of a volunteer organization of settlers involved in a mutual defence pact of allied communities. The head of the organization was always known as a general, and was in charge of allocating assets and forces to those in need. The heads of the respective militia groups usually held the rank of Colonel. Previously, allied communities would call for help on a ham radio and an alert would be broadcast on the Minutemen radio frequency. However, with the loss of The Castle, and its radio transmitter, there is no central organization.


Starting Gear.
The minute men Receive a Plasma Pistol with 20 Micro-Fusion cells upon joining and wear old boots and settlers armour chest and leg pieces.

Minutemen are generally humans and ghouls but can be any race, they tend to be Lawful good alignment.

When creating a Minuteman here are some things to consider.
What made you choose to join the minutemen?
How long have you been in the minute men?
Which settlement are you from?
Are you willing to die for your cause?
What made you want to travel the wasteland?


Traits You can pick one trait from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. I have a dark sense of humour and laugh even when inappropriate.
2. I am a person without fear, there is no need for fear and I find it useless.
3. You never raise your voice or show emotion.
4. I love the smell of Plasma and the hit of a good blast is as pleasing as justice.
5. I tend to approach conversation with people as though it were an interrogation.
6. I face Raiders face on, even if there is multiple.


Ideal You can pick one ideal from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. Justice Any and all crime should be punished by my hand.
2. Pursuer I hold nothing sacred and I am willing to destroy a church to enact justice.
3. Dark Judge for Raiders life itself is the crime and the punishment is death.
4. Lenient Not every crime is equal and I am willing to let off lesser crimes once.
5. Anti-hero will do anything even break the law to punish a raider.
6. Hero This world needs a clean up and I'm the guy to do it.


Bond You can pick one Bond from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. I grew up in a Rough part of The wasteland watching my friends turn to crime, I will rid all Settlements of crime.
2. A Raider killed my parents and I will get vengeance.
3. A fellow recruit died because I made a mistake, I won’t let it happen again.
4. A senior officer helped me when I was a recruit, I will make him proud.
5. Raiders are no more than animals that need to be put down.
6. My parents were Minutemen and I will make them proud.


Flaw You can pick one Flaw from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. I lost a partner once; I am reluctant to work with others again.
2. I love what I do and I hate myself for it.
3. When I was young, I earned the mark of a criminal and now work to overcome it.
4. I am a tad overzealous when dispensing justice.
5. When I was a recruit I wrongly accused a young kid and killed them.
6. I am willing to take a bribe to not dispense justice


Important skills and Bonuses
The 5 main skills for a Minuteman are.
Persuasion +5
Medicine +5
Energy weapon: Guns +5
Robotics +5 
Scavenging +5


You can call for help on a quest from the minute men but after use you must wait 5 Days before you can call them again.
When in combat with Gunners they will attack you Before your Allies.