
Diseases can be avoided by cooking food, drinking boiled or purified water and keeping wounds clean and covered . Sleeping on hammocks or raised mattresses and avoiding physical contact with diseased creatures.


Diseases are time-limited and in most cases will kill the player if not treated in time. They can be cured with medicines or antibiotics. Alternatively, you can cure disease by visiting a doctor or auto-doc in a Settlement or outpost. 


Tetanus bacteria can survive for a long time outside the body, and are commonly found in soil and the manure of animals such as brahmin and bighorners.

If the bacteria enter the body through a wound, they can quickly multiply and release a toxin that affects the nerves, causing symptoms such as muscle stiffness and spasms. 

The bacteria can get into your body through open wounds, burns, Animal bites or by taking contaminated Chems. 


The main symptoms include stiffness in your jaw muscles (lockjaw), which can make opening your mouth difficult, painful muscle spasms, which can make breathing and swallowing difficult, a high temperature and Sweating as well as a rapid heartbeat.

If left untreated, the symptoms can get worse over the following hours and days. Eventually killing the player.


All mammals can carry rabies, but it's most common in dogs, Bats, foxes and Cats

Animals can spread the infection if they bite or scratch you or, or in rare cases, if they lick an open wound or their saliva gets into your mouth or eyes.


The first symptoms can include a high temperature, a headache, feeling anxious or generally unwell and In some cases, discomfort at the site of the bite.

Other symptoms start a few days later, such as confusion or aggressive behavior, Auditory and visual hallucinations, producing lots of saliva or frothing at the mouth, Muscle spasms, difficulty swallowing and breathing and finally an inability to move.

Once paralysis sets in, rabies is almost always fatal.

Typhoid Fever.

Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection that can spread throughout the body, affecting many organs. Without prompt treatment, it can cause serious complications and can be fatal. It's caused by a bacteria found in Dirty water and can be caught by drinking or ingesting Contiminated water, or by eating seafood that has been harvested from infected water. 


The symptoms of Typhoid Fever include A high temperature, Headache, loss of appetite, general aches and pains and Nausea. 

This Disease isn't always fatal and can clear up on its own if the player drinks enough purified water. However if left untreated and the symptoms worsen the player will die within 2 weeks of first infection. 

Troglitic Degeneration Contagion.

Troglitic Degeneration Contagion (TDC) is a degenerative disease that plagues all the inhabitants of the wasteland. According to Dr. Kundaki, it is the result of intensively concentrated Radiation combined with the unique industrial toxins and pollutants in certain regions, the effects of TDC are intensified in ghouls, aswell as certain tribes where members have resorted to cannibalism.


people who have been exsposed to TDC first  experience skin lesions, a few days after exposure. These are reversible through rest and hydration. However if left untreated the condition will worsen leading to deteriation in brain functions, this causes a disadvantage to all rolls. Sufferers of TDC will also experience halluciations and sudden fatigue. If left untreated sufferers of TDC will turn into mindless Trogs within 3 weeks of initial exsposure. 

Blood Worms.

Blood Worms are a microscopic parasite found in some Pre-war foods they can be caught by eating raw meat, improperly cooked or unsterilised food and by drinking infected Pre-war Drinks. 


Symptoms of blood Worms can include aches and pains, difficulty sleeping, high temeprature, sweating and a loss of energy.

Blood Worms are usually not fatal and will pass in a week, if symptoms persist it is advised that you seek medical attention from an auto doc or a wasteland Doctor, if left untreated the parasites will kill the player 2-3 weeks after the initial infection. 


Blight also known as valley fever is a fungal infection caused by micro organisms spread in dust clouds.  The fungi's spores can be stirred into the air by anything that disrupts the soil, such as exsplosions, collapsing buildings and wind. The fungi can then be breathed into the lungs and cause Blight. Mild cases of valley fever usually resolve on their own. In more severe cases,  antifungal medications can be used to treat the infection.


Symptoms of Blight include Fever, Coughing, chest pain, chills, sweats, Headaches, Fatigue, Joint Aches and a Red, painful rash. Mild cases of valley fever usually resolve on their own. In more severe cases,  antifungal medications can be used to treat the infection.

Swamp Fever.

Swamp fever is a bacterial infection that can spread throughout the body. Without prompt treatment, it can cause serious complications and can be fatal. It's spread by biting insects found in Swamp regions. 


Symptoms of Swamp fever I include raised temperature, sweating, muscle spasms, aches and pains, auditory and visual hallucinations, paranoia and bouts of aggression. If left untreated sufferers or swamp fever will die within 3 weeks.

Heat Exhaustion & Heat Stroke.

Heat exhaustion is not usually serious if you can cool down within 30 minutes. If left untreatediuntreated however it will lead to heatstroke.

Signs of Heat exhaustion.

The signs of heat exhaustion include a headache, dizziness and confusion, loss of appetite and feeling sick, excessive sweating and pale, clammy skin, cramps in the arms, legs and stomach, fast breathing or pulse, temperature of 38C or above, being very thirsty.

How to Treat Heat Exhaustion. 

If someone has heat exhaustion, follow these 4 steps:

  1. Move them to a cool place.
  2. Get them to lie down and raise their feet slightly.
  3. Get them to drink plenty of water.
  4. Cool their skin spray or sponge them with cool water and fan them.

Heat stroke.

If the players Heat Exhaustion isn't treated within thirty minutes they will slip into a Heat Stroke and lose consciousness this is almost always Fatal. 

Glowing Pustules.

While Glowing Pustules are not Fatal, they can cause significant damage to a player unlucky enough to catch them. They bacteria that causes this disease in the blood and saliva of Glowing creatures, players should try to avoid getting infected blood into the eyes, mouth or any open wounds, infected meat should also be avoided.


There is only 1 symptom of glowing pustules, the growth of large green liquid filled boils, they will glow slightly in the dark and the area around the boils becomes tender and itchy. After 3 days the player will have developed between 5 and 20 of theese boils all over their  body by the 4th day the boils will begin to burst weeping a strange glowing puss, after all boils have burst the player will have recovered from this disease 

Caution must be taken when cleaning the boils as the puss is infectious and can reinfect the host or other players who come into contact with it.

The Shakes.

It is unknown what causes the shakes but it is believed that a preservative in prewar drinks could be the cause, this disease can be caught by drinking any Pre-war soft drinks or alcoholic drinks. It is non fatal and will clear up after a few days.


Include Vomiting, Severe shaking, Fever, Teeth chattering, Pale-looking face, Blood in vomit and Increased blood pressure to compensate for lost blood after vomiting.