Backstory Roll tables

This is Your Life.

The Character Creation Rules in this Section provide all the information you need to define your character in preparation to for a life in the harsh wasteland. What they don't do is account for the circumstances that shaped your character between your birth and the beginning of your adventure.

What did your character accomplish or experience before joining the party?, what was your childhood like?, how large is your family?, what sort of relationship do you have with those around you?, which people have had the greatest influences on you in the past, for Better or worse?

To answer these questions and more you can use the following pages of tables and advice to compose a well developed backstory for your character an auto biography of sorts that you can use to role play your character. Your Dm can also use this material to help build encounters and story Arcs to further develop your character.

Ideas, Not Rules.

Even though the following pages are full of Tables and Die rolls, they don't make up a Rule system, you can use as much or as little as you like and complete it in any order you want. 

For example you might not want to use these tables to help you decide who your parents and siblings are, because you may have already decide this information or it may not apply to your character. But you can still use sections such as the life events, page to add depth and detail to your character. 

If you're comfortable to let the dice decide a certain fact about your character, go ahead and Roll. If not, you can take charge and make the decision choosing one of the options on the Table or creating your own answer. Of course you ca also disregard the results of a roll if you find it conflicts with another fact or how you want to play your character, after all creating a character is a personal thing and these pages are only a supplement to guide you through the process of building your backstory. 

Section By Section.

The Material is Divided into 3 sections each addressing a different aspect of a characters backstory.


To find out who you are and where you came from, use the "Origins" Section. When you're done, you will have a summary  of facts about your parent, your siblings and under which you grew up.


Life Events.

Your characters existence until now, no matter how brief or uneventful, has been marked by one or more life events. Memorable happenings that have had an effect on who you are today. 

Supplemental Tables. 

Your life has intersected with the lives of plenty of other people all the way from infancy to today. When a result of a roll mentions a person, you can use the supplement tables to add needed details, such as Background Race and Alignment. Some tables in other sections direct you to one or more of the supplemental tables. You can also use them whenever you see fit.