
The First step when creating a characters life story is to Think about your Origin, who were your parents?, where were you built? & who By? Where were you Born?, did you have any siblings?, Who raised you? 

you can Answer these questions using the following Roll Tables.

your Parents.

If your playing a Human or a Race that was once Human, you would have had parents even if they didn't raise you. to determine what you know of your parents use the following table, if you want you can also use the supplement tables to learn more about them. Feel free to roll separately for both your mother and father if you want to add more depth to your character.


Roll 1D100 Result
01-90 you Know who your parents are or were.
91-100 you do not know who your parents are or were


After Deciding what you know about your parents, the next step is deciding where you were born use the table below to determine your place of birth, but feel to re-roll if it goes against what you already know about your character. 

for an extra level of depth Roll a D100 and on a Roll of 000 decide a strange or significant event that coincided with your birth, perhaps the moon turned Red or all the electronics within 1 mile of your birth shorted out. maybe you were born on the eve of a great battle or as the Bombs Rained across the earth. 

Roll 1D100 Result
01-50 Inside your Home Settlement/Camp or vault.
51-55 Inside another Settlement/Camp.
56-63 inside the home of a tribal healer, Doctor or midwife.
64-65 Carriage Cart or Wagon.
66-68 Barn, Shed or other out Building.
69-70 Cave.
71-72 Field or Large grassy plain.
73-74 A Forest or similar over grow area.
75-77 Temple or Important Place.
78 A BattleField or During Combat.
79-80 A Ruined Alley or Street.
81-82 Brothel, Tavern or Inn.
83-84 A military base or other heavily fortified location.
85 A sewer Tunnel or Rubish Heap.
86-88 In a ruined metro Tunnel or Mine shaft.
89-91 On board a Boat or Ship.
92-93 In a Prison or in the head quarters of a secret organisation.
94-95 In a Research Laboratory.
96 Inside Elysium the City of Ghosts
97-99 In a Different country
100 You were Found living inside a creatures Den.


You may Be an only Child or one of many, your siblings could be trusted friends or hated Rivals. Roll on the number of siblings To Determine how many brothers or sisters you have, Next Roll on the Order of Birth for each sibling to determine that persons age relative to yours. 

you can learn more about your siblings using the supplement Tables & the Birth place table. 

Roll 1 D10 Siblings
4 or Lower 0
5-6 1D3 (Halve a D6 Roll and round Down)
7-8 1D4+1
9-10 1D6+2

Birth order.

Roll 2 D6 Birth Order
2 Twin, Triplet or Quadruplet
3-7 You are Older
8-12 You are Younger

Family and Friends. 

who Raised you? and what was life like for you when you were growing up? you might have been raised by your parents, relatives, or in an orphanage. or you could have spent your childhood on the streets or out in the wastes as a runaway. 

use the family table to find out who raised you if you know who your parents are but get a result that doesn't mention one or both of them, use the absent parent table to find out what happened. 

Next move onto The Family lifestyle Table to see the general circumstances of your upbringing each result on that table includes a number that is applied to your Roll on the childhood home table which will tell you where you spent your early years. finish the origin section by using your charisma score to Roll on the childhood memories table and and learn how you were treated by others as you were growing up. 

you can also use the relationship table on the supplement tables page to determine how your family or other important figures in your life feel about you, you can also use the race, occupation and alignment tables to learn more about your family members or guardians who raised you. 


Roll 1D100 Family
01 None
02 An institution or Assylum
03 The Church of Atom or a pre-war religious organisation
04-05 Orphanage
06-07 A Guardian
08-15 An Aunt, Uncle or Both. or similar extended family such as a Tribe or Clan
16-25 Grandparent(s)
26-35 Adoptive Family
36-55 Single Father or step Father
56-75 Single Mother or step Mother

Absent Parent

Roll 1D4 Fate
1 Your Parent Died (Roll on the Cause of death Supplement Table)
2 Your Parent was Enslaved, Imprisoned or otherwise taken away
3 Your Parent Abandoned You
4 Your parent Dissapeard to an unknown Fate

Family Life style  

Roll 2D6+ your Luck score Lifestyle
4 or Lower Wretched (-40)
5-6 Squalid (-20)
7-10 Poor (-10)
11-14 Modest (+0)
15-16 Comfortable (+10)
17-18 Wealthy (+20)

Use The Number in your Result as a Modifier For Your Roll on The Childhood Home Table. 

Childhood Home

Roll 1D100 Home
0 or Lower On The Streets
01-20 A Rundown Shack
21-30 No permenant Home, You moved around alot
31-40 A small Camp or Tribal Village
41-50 An Apartment or a house in a Rundown Settlemet
51-70 A Small house
71-90 A Large Houe
91-110 A Mansion
111 or Higher A Private Estate or similar Location

Childhood Memories

Roll 2D6+ your charisma score Lifestyle
4 or Lower I'm Still Haunted by the way i was treated as a child
5-6 I spent most of my childhood alone with no friends
7-10 People saw me as strange or different so I had few friends
11-14 I Had a Few close Friends and had an ordinary Childhood
15-16 I Had several Friends and my childhood was generally a happy one
17-18 I always found it easy to make freinds, and I loved being around people
19+ everyone knew who i was and I had friends everywhere I went

robots Place of Creation.

If your character is one of the Three Robotic Races then its likely you'll have skipped the sections above. unless you wanted to play a reprogrammed Synth and have Rolled for your false memories, or you wanted to create a Family that your MR. Handy served Before the Bombs Fell. what ever the case as a robot you must have been built somewhere, Roll the Robotic table Below to Determine where you were given life. 

you can also Roll the Factions Table on the Supplement page To find out which Faction Created you if you want to. 

Roll 1D20 Place of Creation
1-5 You were Built in a Robco Factory Or the Institute
6-7 You were Built In a Private Research Laboratory
8-10 you were Built in a Garage inside a Settlement
11 you were Built From Scrap pieces in the wasteland
12-14 you were Built inside a Raider Camp
15 you were Built inside a Millitary Outpost Under Seige
16 You were built in A secret Underground Facility
17-18 You Were Built Inside a Vault-tec Vault
19 You were Built In Elysium the City of Ghosts
20 you were Built Inside the Big Empty

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