General Atomics International.

GAI Primarily manufactured nuclear reactors both full scale and miniaturized the larger reactors were commissioned by the government and were used for various purposes, such as providing backup power for Vaults and underground Research stations, as part of the Negotiations G.A.I was granted a private vault. Vault 019, the miniaturised reactors or Power cores were used as Power sources for a wide variety things from cars to Securitrons and most commonly to power street lights

Another field GAI focused on was Energy Weaponry most notably their work on wave/particle diverters for laser weapons, in the years leading up to the great war a new department was opened focusing solely on experimental automated robot networks supposed to maintain a facility independently this research was closely guarded and not even shared with their military contacts. However, their Director Management System proved to be a disaster, resulting in numerous fatalities at General Atomics Galleria. This forced a shutdown of the facility until firmware updates could be delivered to the affected robots. The casualties included the human supervisor who was legally required to be present on site. It is widely believed that the corporation did not go under thanks to their official policy of bribing any survivors into silence and abducting those that don’t comply.