Mole Miner.


A bleak remnant of the pre-war world, the mole miners are a mutated form of human that make their homes in the many caves, mines, and above-ground mining Facilities in the Wasteland,the mole miners are biologically immortal and can Regenerate damaged cells, it is also widely believed that the mole miners never age and are seemingly doomed to be trapped within their deteriorating mining suits for ever. Despite their suffering, almost all of their cognition and human-like behavior remains, with mole miners frequently carrying things they considered important in a previous life, such as keys to their old mining lockers Certain miners are still able to vividly Recall their past lives. The amount of mole miners seen carrying old world toys and game pieces leads many wastelanders to believe that over half of the Mole Miners in the Wasteland today were once child laborers employed in the mines.

The mole miners were first encountered  and experimented upon by the Enclave and its Research Division. But when They Failed to determine the particular cause of their significant degeneration they gave up executing all miners in their care. To this day it remains unclear whether the mole miners unique condition is caused by radiation, the toxic atmosphere of their underground dwellings, or a combination of both. However, it is significant enough to prevent them from breathing normally without their Filter-O-Matic respiration device and breathing apparatus. miners are highly communal and are rarely encountered outside of their organized groups. Their hierarchy follows the organizational structure of pre-War mining operations, with the actual miners including scrapers, diggers, and rockbreakers led by foremen and supervisors, a testament to their pasts as coal miners.

Role in the Wasteland.


Size Small

Starting Hit Die  D8

level up Hit Die Class A

Ability score increase: your perception rises by 2 and endurance rises by 1

Age. Mole Miners are mutated survivors of the prewar world and range in age from 218-260 years

Racial Perks.

Cell Regeneration.

Thanks to the regeneration of your cells you take Radiation at half of the Normal Rate and are immune to all disease.

Mole Rat whisperer.

The Mole miners have a strange affinity with the Mole rats of the Wasteland, mole Rats will not attack mole miners unless they are harmed directly by a miner. Aswell as this mole miners can domesticate mole Rats with the ability to have 2 Domesticated mole rats at any one time.

Domesticating a Single Mole Rat takes 10 minutes and the player must have a piece of Raw or Cooked Meat. It also requires a  DC 75 survival skill Roll.

Subterranean Living.

When you are underground in natural tunnels or man made structures that are largely abandoned such as old metro stations you Gain an Advantage to all perception Rolls, you can also find water and Food if you spend 1hour searching, and Gain Darkvision 

Dark vision. You can see 30ft in darkness as if it were bright light then a further 30ft as low light.

Racial Disadvantages.


You have mutated to a point where you can No longer breathe easily above the surface. When you are travelling above Ground in the Wasteland you Require A Filter -o -Matic air purifier. This filter will begin to break down over time and Must be Replaced. For every 4 hours you spend above the surface in an open space without an air filter you gain 1 level of exhaustion. 

Mining Suit.

The heat of the atomic blasts that scorched the earth caused the metal clasps on the mole Miners Mining suits to become fused shut leaving them trapped inside. As a result they cannot equip Armour.  Instead mole miners strengthen Their suits using equipment and materials they find in the Wasteland, to adapt your Armour you must spend 2 to 4 hours carrying out repairs and pass a tinkering Skill check. The exact time and skill are set by the Dm

Your Starting Ac is 40.