The life of a Test Subject
Vault dwellers are the descendants of pre-war citizens who sought shelter from the atomic fire of the great war in vast underground vaults. The real Purpose of the vaults was not for them to be shelters for preserving humanity. Rather than act to save humanity, vaults were built to test their population as part of the Societal Preservation Program. Most vaults were presented with a variety of scenarios, ranging from annoying to downright lethal, to gauge how humans acted in these scenarios for their own, nefarious purposes. Some were not provided with enough food synthesizers for their population, others had only men in them, or were designed to open prematurely. The purpose of this experiment was to gather data for the Enclave's projects, the exact purpose of which is unknown.

starting Gear 
You are equipped with a vault-tec jumpsuit chest and leg pieces and with your vaults number on the back, and a pair of Smart shoes. A vault dwellers other equipment varies by vault.

Vault dwellers are humans and occasionally ghouls of any alignment.

Traits You can pick one trait from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. I have seen much. It will take a lot to shock me.
2. My traumatic experience left me anxious of contact. I react badly to touching.
3. I believe I was experimented upon because I am special. Others should fear my power.
4. I will never allow myself to be held down again. I resist any attempt to restrain me.
5. Some good may come of my experience. I can use my knowledge to make sure none suffer the same fate.
6. I deal with my nightmares through humour. There is no joke too dark for me.


Ideal You can pick one ideal from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. Freedom. No one should be held captive, through force or intimidation. Freedom is the ultimate good.
2. Retribution. Vengeance should be claimed however it can be. Those who cause suffering should suffer, as should anyone around them.
3. Knowledge. The value of knowledge is without bounds. It must be preserved at any cost.
4. Experimentation. The thrill of exploring another’s body and soul is a pleasure I crave and deserve.
5. Sacrifice. Through sacrifice of self, boundless good may be bestowed upon others.
6. Nihilism. There are no universal laws. One may do whatever one can.


Bond You can pick one Bond from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. I was born inside the vault, into a life as a test subject. I want to learn who I was.
2. I found a friend in a fellow vault dweller. They are still there and I have to free them.
3. My overseer set me free with a purpose. I must fulfil it.
4. My overseer is still looking for me, and will kill me to preserve their secrets. I must kill them before they kill me.
5. I believe A secret power was extracted from me and used to wreak havoc on others. I must absolve myself by aiding them.
6. I was freed by the intervention of others. I owe them my freedom, and whatever remains of my sanity.


Flaw You can pick one Flaw from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. All I know is the life of a subject. I am sometimes clueless to the ways of the world.
2. I am addicted to, and seek pain; sometimes to the detriment of myself and my friends.
3. The experiments left my mind scattered. I often get distracted or derailed.
4. I am not used to kindness. Every little bit of affection or kindness means unreasonably much to me.
5. I expect the worst at all times. Some people call me paranoid; I call it cautious.
6. Even when I mean well, I find it hard to keep my cruelty at bay


Important skills and bonuses
Chemistry +5
History +5
Survival +5
Robotics +5
Engineering +5


Perks vary by Vault please check the Vault-Tec vaults list Below.
Your time inside a vault has caused you to become claustrophobic you have disadvantage to all rolls when you feel trapped or are in a confined space.