Keeping the Wasteland safe.
The Regulators are a group of vigilantes who wear cowboy-style hats and dusters in the fashion of pre-War gunslingers and outlaws. They Take it upon themselves to hunt down troublemakers and do their best to keep a semblance of peace wherever they are. Regulators are truly just-minded and seek to punish evil.


Starting Gear
You start with the following Equipment
A 10mm pistol, with 20 bullets a pair of biker boots, an armoured chest and leg pieces and a Regulator Duster coat.

Regulators tend to be humans or ghouls and have a Good alignment.

When creating a Regulator here are some things to consider.
where is your character from?
What made you choose to become a Regulator?
Are you trying to atone for a past mistake?
Are you out to get revenge on the raiders that destroyed your home.?
How do you feel when kill a criminal?


Traits You can pick one trait from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. I tend to approach conversation with people I've just met as though it were an interrogation.
2. I'll accept the help of others with a bounty, so long as they can prove their skill to me first.
3. It needn't be hunting down a mark - I'll chop firewood for an old woman if there's pay involved.
4. I'm not prone to idle chatter, and prefer keeping to myself unless the topic's business.
5. I've a great deal of practical experience from hunting bounties, and can relate to almost any situation.
6. I'm rather adept at games of skill like darts, or five-finger fillet.


Ideal You can pick one ideal from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. Justice These people have violated the law once. I won't let it happen twice.
2. Wealth The only path to true freedom is having caps enough to do as you will.
3. Brutality getting Caps pales to the brilliance of the life draining from a criminals eyes.
4. Morality It's not enough to hunt them down. They have to understand what they've done is reprehensible.
5. Ambiguity This job's just a job, like any other. Nothing personal against my targets.
6. Endurance In no other line of work could anyone expect to test their limits so completely.


Bond You can pick one Bond from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. Once a solider, my comrade's grave betrayal forced me from my home, and into this life.
2. Though my friends are few, I owe them my life many times over, and would happily die for them.
3. Horrendous tales and vile rumour destroyed my family's good name, and this path is the only recourse to find the truth.
4. The contract turned sour, and now I find myself hunting my old Employers.
5. All my deeds would surely consign me to prison I'm earning my freedom hunting those worse than me.
6. Mindless thuggery stole the life of one I cherished, and the price they must pay is one I will collect.


Flaw You can pick one Flaw from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. Sleep, when it comes, is no sleep at all. The time spent tracking marks has left me skittish and paranoid.
2. Not only am I good at what I do, but I love what I do - and I hate myself for it.
3. I refuse to believe anyone can be trusted, and will root through their life until I'm satisfied they can be.
4. At a younger age my actions earned me the brand of a criminal, those mistakes haunting me and my fellows even today.
5. It is only for my own selfish need to be the best at what I do that I abandon my team to bring the bounty in first.
6. Contract or not, I never bring murder bounties back alive. They showed no mercy, and so neither will I.


Important skills and Bonuses
The 5 main skills for a Regulator are.
Small Guns +5
Intimidation +5
Survival +5
Weapon smith +5

Traps +5



When using a pistol or revolver you have an advantage on Ac rolls.

When using Big guns or energy weapons you do 25% less damage

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