Enclave Deathclaw.


In 2135, the Enclave First captured deathclaws and exposed them to FEV. In attempt to boost their intelligence and give them the ability to talk, while these experiments proved Fruitless for many months eventually the Enclave scientists made a Break through, and rather than mutating captured Deathclaws they began to breed and Grow new variants, The albino or Enclave Deathclaw. While these new breeds didnt have the strength or size of their feral counterparts the Enclave variants excelled in terms of intellect quickly surpassing the enclaves Goals.

While the Enclave hoped that the Deathclaws would be intelligent enough to obey orders without question, the Enclave's Deathclaws Grew to doubt the morality of their masters. Although they stormed Vault 13 in 2142 and kidnapped the population with the Enclave, a Group of Deathclaws later chose to abandon their Creators and adopt the now-empty Vault as their new home under the leadership of Gruthar.

While Several humans from the surrounding area moved into the Vault to live under the protection of the Deathclaws, not all were pleased with these new neighbors. A Group of Humans struck against the Deathclaws and bombed the mother Deathclaw and her hatchlings; the Deathclaw mother survived, but security was tightened from then on. As a Result The Deathclaws Sealed the vault and remained in the safety of their Underground Home. Over the next 100 years the Deathclaw vault had fallen into legend and is largely forgotten or written of as a wasteland fairy tale.

The Enclave continued to grow intelligent Deathclaws, after the success of the attacks on Vault 13, and more Deathclaws abandoned their creators leading to several small tribes of Deathclaws living in isolated locations across the Wasteland. Others simply choose to wander the wastes alone outcasts from society.

Role in the wasteland.


Size Medium

Starting Hit Die  D12

level up Hit Die Class C

Ability score increase: your strength rises by 1 and endurance rises by 2

Age. Most Enclave Deathclaws are Grown In large tanks and mature in 1 month with a life expectancy of around 15 years, However those born in the Wasteland mature and age at a similar rate to Humans and can live up to 80 years.

Racial Perks.

Clawed Hands.

Your unarmed attacks Deal an extra 1D10 damage and can also deal piercing Damage aswell as Unarmed. Additionally on a Critical Hit you Inflict Bleeding and the target takes 1D4 damage per turn until the Bleeding is Stopped.

Thick Skin.

Your skin is Thick and Leathery, as a result you Gain a Resistance to piercing damage from all sources and an Immunity To Radiation. 

Feral Instincts.

You still share the instincts of your More Geral brothers as a Result you gain advantage to all perception checks relying on sound or Scent. You also Gain the Dark vision ability.

Dark vision. You can see 30ft in darkness as if it were bright light then a further 30ft as low light.

Racial Disadvantages.

Cloaked Presence.

You must wear a thick hooded cloak while you are inside settlements or establishments, it is vitally important for you to conceal your true identity at all costs. If your true form is Revealed settlers will become hostile towards you and may demand that you leave without violence, if you refuse this will lead to further violence and you may become exiled from the major settlements within a Region.

Clawed Hands & Tough Hide.

Your large clawed Hands may be an advantage in Combat but when attempting to carry out tasks that require Finesse and precision they're more of a Hindrance, you gain a permanent disadvantage to all tasks you attempt which require you to use your hands in a precise manner.  

Your thick hide provides you natural Armour granting 40Ac but your unusual frame prevents you from wearing Armour, instead you must spend time wrapping yourself and attaching pieces of Junk you find in the Wasteland.

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