Vim! pop

Vim! Pop Incorporated was founded in 1931 by Herbert Reed who originally sold the beverage as a health tonic. while Vim never gained the national attention that Nuka-Cola did, but it remained a large part of local culture.


Even though the drink carried a strong localized following its producer still faced several challenges in the years preceding the Great War. At the end of the third quarter in October 2077, the corporation was nearly 3.29 million in the red, with more than 20% of the company's expenditures going toward repairs, more than on marketing (14.9%), production (14.4%), or distribution (10.0%). In addition, Vim! Pop had just gotten out a litigation with the Nuka-Cola Corporation over the trademark on the Quartz name, losing them further revenue from that source as well. Accordingly, the main investors in the company began to lose faith and were considering selling their stocks to Nuka-Cola, which would effectively make Vim! Pop a subsidiary of the soft drink giant.


Despite all of these hindrances, CEO Doyle Reed was determined to keep the company independent of the Nuka-Cola Corporation and sell Vim nationwide, and launched several campaigns. In order to widen their consumer base, the corporation began the "Vim Ambassador" advertisement campaign, whereby power armored ambassadors bearing the distinctive white and red colors of the brand would travel to communities and hand out free bottles of Vim, Vim Quartz and Vim Refresh in addition to answering questions and providing contact information for the corporation's sales distribution team.


the corporation also found hope with a new flavor of pop tentatively named "Captain's Blend" which was popular with taste testers, who predominantly described the flavor as "fishy."

Of course, the troubles of the company all ended when the Great War broke out; compared to nuclear annihilation and the factory under attack, hemorrhaging money, failed ad campaigns and lawsuits did not seem too dire at all.