Surviving the cold.

When a player enters a Colder environment they Require specialist equipment to keep themselves warm, such as coats, Furs and thermal Armour pieces Each piece grants the player a Cold Resistance or CR score, this Score represents how well your character can survive in Below 0 conditions.

The levels of cold vary based on the environments Temprature and can be Split into 5 Categories, each with unique and progressively worse hazards. As the temperature drops players will require items with a Higher Cr to overcome the obstacles they face.

The 5 levels of Cold.


Chilly. 1 to -2
In chilly temperatures the player will encounter hazards that sap energy  or do minor amounts of Damage to the players equipment.


Cold  -3 to -6
In cold Tempratures players will encounter Hazards that cause damage to equipment, Health and saps at energy levels.


Freezing -7 to -10
In Freezing Temperatures players will encounter hazards that inflict the freezing debuff aswell as causing serious damage to equipment and health.


Glacial -11 to -20
In Glacial Temperatures players will encounter hazards that inflict the freezing and frostbitten debuffs aswell as causing serious damage to equipment, energy levels and health.


Arctic -21 to -35
In Arctic Temperatures players will encounter hazards that inflict the freezing and frostbitten debuffs aswell as causing serious damage to energy levels and health and Destroy equipment. 

If the Temperatures drop below -35 players caught in the open will begin to freeze to death. and Need to pass regular Cr checks which will get increasingly higher as time passes.

CR Scores & Modifiers.

Cr works just like any skills and has a modifier of 0-150 The player can have 30Cr points and each point adds 5 points to the skill modifier after 30 points the player no longer receives a bonus to the skill modifier.

Cr much applies to the 6 pieces of armour with certain items offering a penalty to Cr Robots also have their own Cr Armour pieces and a Robots base Cr 10.

When you encounter a Cold Hazard you will use your Cr skill score to Roll a saving throw and attempt to resist the effects of the cold.

CR Score CR skill modifier
0 00
1 05
2 10
3 15
4 20
5 25
6 30
7 35
8 40
9 45
10 50
11 55
12 60
13 65
14 70
15 75
16 80
17 85
18 90
19 95
20 100
21 105
22 110
23 115
24 120
25 125
26 130
27 135
28 140
29 145
30 150

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