
Outcasts Are people who have been rejected or exiled, from their home or faction. Out casts are frequently looked down upon and ignored by most people and have created their own village at Hermits Hole. Most outcasts are exiled for crimes or failings but some are cast out by corrupt leaders to discredit them and prevent unwanted secrets reaching light.


Starting gear
Outcasts start in foot wraps wasteland rags chest and leg pieces  and carry either a baseball bat or a Cosmic Knife.

Outcasts can be any race or alignment

When creating an outcast here are some things to consider.
What happened to make you an outcast?
How long have you been an outcast?
Which settlement or camp are you from?
Are you willing to die to regain your old life?
How have you survived in the wasteland?


Traits You can pick one trait from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. I remain haunted by memories of my homeland. I yearn constantly to return there.
2. I’m bitter from painful experiences, and everything I say sounds sarcastic or cynical.
3. I like to talk at length about my home.
4. I sleep with my back to a solid surface and Regardless of my current situation, I take pride in my Culture
5. I always have a plan for what to do when things go wrong.
6. I’m a little suspicious, worried about being betrayed and caution of being assaulted.


Ideal You can pick one ideal from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. Redemption – There is a spark of good in everyone.
2. Independence – I am a free spirit, nobody tells me what to do.
3. Responsibility – I must take responsibility for my actions in the face of a higher authority
4. Power – If I can attain more power, nobody can tell me what to do
5. Live and Let Live – Meddling in the affairs of others only leads to trouble.
6. Destiny – Nothing and no one can call me away from my higher calling.


Bond You can pick one Bond from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. My family, clan, or nation is the most important thing to me, even though they are far away.
2. I will face any challenge to prove my worthiness
3. I was banished to hide me from the ones who might still be hunting me. Someday I must confront them.
4. I wish that my loved ones had come with me when I was outcast.
5. I come from a noble family and one day I’ll reclaim my lands and title from those who stole it from me.
6. I lost someone I loved because of a mistake that I once made. That will never happen again.


Flaw You can pick one Flaw from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. I am suspicious of strangers and expect the worst of them.
2. I have trouble keeping my true feelings inside. My sharp tongue lands me in trouble.
3. I cannot let go of the past and react poorly to reminders of my old life.
4. I am fighting addiction to an illicit substance with varying success.
5. Those who banished me will stop at nothing to see me killed.
6. I hide a scandalous secret that would ruin my family and those around them.


Important skills and Bonuses
The 5 main skills for an outcast are.
Survival +5
Scavenging +5
Sneak +5
Traps +5
Medicine +5


Years of sleeping rough have allowed you to get more rest in unconventional places  you can sleep anywhere and gain 20% more regained health from resting.


You are uncomfortable in settlements and camps you have disadvantage on all ability rolls in these environments.

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