

Super mutants are mutated humans, products of infection by the Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV). They are much taller, bulkier and more muscular than pure strain humans, have (mostly) green, grey, or yellowish skin, are immune to disease, Resistant to radiation, and are gifted with superhuman strength and endurance. Although they are completely sterile, the rapid regeneration of their cells caused by FEV makes them heal at an accelerated rate. Their super human strength and resistance come at a price however, the F.E.V causes the Brain tissue to deteriorate during the transformation leaving most super mutants with an IQ far Below average and subject to fits of psychotic rage

Role in the wasteland.

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Size Large

Starting Hit Die  D12

level up Hit Die Class C

Ability score increase: your strength rises by 2 and endurance rises by 1

Age. Once exposed to the F.E.V the aging process is halted the first super mutants were created in the year before the great war meaning the oldest known super mutants are around 220-230 years old, the youngest are created from adult humans over the age of 20.

Racial perks.

Cell Regeneration.

Thanks to the regeneration of your cells you take Radiation at half of the Normal Rate and are immune to all disease.

You may  also Choose any two of the Following Perks.

Supermutant Strength.

You gain 20lbs of extra carry weight onto your maximum carry weight for every point in your Strength attribute. 

You're gonna need a bigger stick.

When using any Giant melee weapons, you will always have advantage to hit. If circumstances grant you second advantage you instead deal 50% more damage rounded up to the nearest whole number.

You won't like me when I'm angry.

you can enter an enraged state which halves your targets Ac and doubles damage for 2 turns but you must rest on the third turn and any attack to you will do 50% more damage during this resting turn.

Racial Disadvantage.

Fev Dipping.

When creating your character roll 1D100 to determine the success of your F.E.V Dipping.

1-10 your intelligence drops by 5 points
11-35 your intelligence drops by 3 points
36-55your intelligence drops by 2 points
56-75 your intelligence drops by 1 point
76-94 your intelligence doesn’t change
95-100 your intelligence raises by 1 and your luck raises by 2

(Intelligence cannot fall below 0 or be raised above 10.)

Heavy Handed.

Your large hands prevent you from using melee weapons below medium and Guns or Energy weapons  below large  size.

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