Unarmed Combat. 

When You attack with your Fists or an Unarmed Weapon in Combat. You will use your unarmed Skill, the number of attacks and Base damage can be calculated below. 

When making an unarmed attack with sm unarmed weapon or Perk. You must Roll your attacks base damage, then add the damage specified by the weapon then add the damage specified by the perk. Certain creatures like Robots, those in heavy armour or those with thick shells are immune or resistant to unarmed attacks so its always a good idea to carry a weapon as a back up if you are choosing to build an unarmed Fighter.

Calculating Attacks Per Turn.

When Fighting with an unarmed weapon or your bare hands its important to know How many attacks you can make in a Single Turn, use the table below and your characters Agility attribute score to calculate your Hits per turn.

Agility Score Attacks per Turn
5 or Lower 1D2
6-7 1D3
8-9 1D4
10 1D6

Base Damage.

Yoyr unarmed Base damage is the damage you apply when attacking with just your bare fist, you also use this score as a Base when attacking with an Unarmed weapon before adding the damage specified by the weapon or any perks. 

When calculating your characters base damage it is important to Remember that each Race is separated into a Clas based on your Level up Die, Class A, Class B & Class C. Using your characters Strength attribute score and Class you can use the Tables Below to calculate your unarmed Base damage.

It is important to Remember that Robots cannot make unarmed attacks unless they have an attachment that states other wise, in which case the attachment will state the Base damage of the attack in its stats section. 

Class a.

Strength Score Base Damage
5 or Lower 1D2
6-7 1D3
8-9 1D4
10 1D6

Class B.

Strength Score Base Damage
5 or Lower 1D4
6-7 1D6
8-9 1D8
10 1D12

Class c.

Strength Score Base Damage
5 or Lower 1D6
6-7 1D8
8-9 1D12
10 1D20