The Hub Delta.

A Densley overgrown swamp region the Hub delta is located at the Mouth of the River Ash the large flat plane was once home to the city of ashbourne and quickly flooded after the keilder water Damn 20 miles up stream was hit Ditectly in the great war, without the cities  flood defenses, and with drainage pumps no longer operational the city and valley below quickly became submerged and over following years became a vibrant Swampland delta.

The swamp is home to a variety of creatures and plants during the Dry season, the delta  teems with insect and plant life creating a hostile enviroment for any settlers in the area. Disease can spread quickly in the hot humid environment, Fresh Food perishes quickly and untainted water Becomes a Rarity. Making the Delta almost inhospitable.

During the Wet season the water level in the Delta rises by 3-5 feet flooding the streets and ground floors of buildings, during this time fresh food grows below the waters surface allowing many settlers to farm and forage enough food to see them through the tougher months, fresh water is also easier to come by due to the Heavy Rainfall the area sees, but the higher water levels make the streets virtually impassable for Trade caravans leaving the area Reliant on local Courier services, and the workers of The Waterways Transport Group during periods of extremely heavy Rain.

During the Freeze the Delta becomes safe for everyday travel as most of the native creatures hibernate through the Harsh winter and the water flooding the streets freezes allowing passage for the caravans that cannot enter during the wet season. Unfortunately the regions open nature causes it to be ravaged by harsh winter storms which can be particularly deadly at high altitudes, because of this the Residents of eden often seek out lower ground During the Freeze.

About the Delta.

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