
Corruption in Robots is caused by two things, water damage and using Corrupted software, water damage takes a greater toll on your circuitry than corrupted software but both have the same effects.

Water Damage.

Robots have a  weakness to water, when you are submerged in it you'll take water damage based on the depth.

In 1 foot of water or less you take no damage.

In 1-2 & a half feet of water you take minor damage.

In 2 &a half -5feet of water you take medium damage. 

In 5-7 feet of water  you take heavy water damage.

In 7feet of water or more you take lethal water damage.

When you reach your water damage threshold you take 2 levels of corruption. 

Corruption points

A Robot has a number of Corruption points equal to their endurance score plus half of their Inteligence score (rounded down) 

For example a character with 7 endurance and 5 inteligence would have a Corruption score of 9 points and once the player had lost 9 points the next point lost would Corrupt them.

Corruption can be Removed with a software Debugging kit which will remove 1 level of corruption,

To remove all of a players Corruption by visiting  a Robotics mechanic or Robotic Repair station in any settlement or outpost. 


Corrupted Software.

As You Begin To lose Points Your Dm Will Instruct You To Roll on one of the four Corruption Effects Table Based on How corrupted Your software has become . For Each Table Roll 1D10, If you land on an effect you already Have Re-Roll.

Roll Table 1.

Roll 1D10 Effect
1 Your Systems are Beginning to Fail, whilst this disadvantage is active your skills all Suffer a penalty of 1D6 points.
2 Your software has Begun to Malfunction, as a Result you are prone to Loud High pitched Beeping, whenever you attempt to make a Sneak Skill Roll you must Roll 1D20 on a Roll of 3 or Lower you automatically Fail.
3 Your Thrusters Fuel injector is Malfunctioning your speed is Decreased By 5 Feet.(To a Minimum of 5 feet) This Disadvantage does not stack.
4 Some of Your Wiring has become exposed , as a Result all Melle attacks now deal an additional 1D4 Damage But you are more susceptible to corruption from water damage.
5 You Take longer to Reboot After Resting as a result you Recover Less Hp, when resting for 4 Hours you recover 10% less Hp, and for 8 Hours you recover 20% less Hp.
6 As your software Begins to Corrupt you gain the Ability to produce a Sonic wave. When used the wave deafens any creatures within 10ft for 1D20 minutes. The sonic wave can only be heard within a 15ft Radius.
7 Your Hydraulics are beginning to break Down, as a Result you loose 25lbs From your maximum Catry weight.
8 Your software has become prone to Freezing, at the Beginning of your Turn during combat, Roll 1D20 on a Roll of 3 or Lower your Turn is Skipped.
9 Your Visual Processor has developed an error, when you make a Roll For Perception Roll 1D8 on a Roll of 1 or 2 you have Disadvantage.
10 Due to the corruption and damage you have suffered whenever you attempt to use a Healing item you must first pass a Dc25 repair check.

Roll Table 2.

Roll 1D10 Effect
1 Your Fuel tank has Developed a Leak after each Rol Action Or Movement Roll 1D20 on a Roll of 1 you take a single point of Damage.
2 A Glitch Has developed inside your main Processor, when you atempt a Skill roll Your Dm Will Roll a second D100, and a D20 to determine which Roll will be used.
3 Your Systems are slowly Failing, whilst this disadvantage is active your skills all Suffer a penalty of 1D8 points.
4 Your Thrusters Fuel injector is Malfunctioning your speed is Decreased By 10 Feet.(To a Minimum of 5 feet) This Disadvantage does not stack.
5 Exsposure to The elments has caused your attachments To Begun To rust, Melee attacks Now deal +1 Posion Damage.
6 The Corruption to Your hard Drive has Effected some of your Files, as a result You Have forgotten about a specififc Type of Creature or Race, (Ask Your Dm To Roll This) as a result you have disadvantage to all checks against the Race or creature and must Treat their exsistence as if they were Childish Tales.
7 The Error To Your Visual Processor has Caused a Glitch, when you make a Roll For Perception Roll 1D8 on a Roll of 1 or 2 you have Disadvantage. additionaly The Dm will Roll To determine if the results of your check are True or Caused By a Glitch.
8 Seeing any damaged machine upsets you and causes you to loose focus, you gain disadvantage on your next Roll.
9 As you now produce large amounts of excess heat and noise, creatures that would normally ignore you will now attack during Combat.
10 Your Logic circuits are Begining to short out, if you havent seen something you cannot process it as true.

Roll Table 3.

Roll 1D10 Effect
1 Your Systems are Failing at an Alarming Rate, whilst this disadvantage is active your skills all Suffer a penalty of 2D8 points.
2 You Have Become waterlogged and as a result Gain 2D20lbs of weight, This weight is added to your total equiped weight
3 Your Combat Inhibitor Has Been Damaged when you make an Attack during Combat Roll 1 D20 on a Roll Of 7 Or lower Your attack is made against a Random Player or Creature within Range.
4 Your Tank is Leaking Fuel after each Roll Action Or Movement Roll 1D10 on a Roll of 1 you take a single point of Damage.
5 Due To an electrical Fault You've developed You can Now Release an Electro Magnetic Pulse, This pulse disables any unprotected electronic Devices in a 25Ft Radius But Deals 1D20+5 Damage to the Player.
6 You have lost the Ability to maintain object permanence, you now believe once an object person or creature leaves your sight it no longer exists
7 Your Thrusters Fuel injector is Malfunctioning your speed is Decreased By 15 Feet.(To a Minimum of 5 feet) This Disadvantage does not stack.
8 Water damage has Begun to rust your joints, if You remain stationary for a Round of combat your Hydraulics will begin to cease require a DC 50 Robotics check to move again, each subsequent round you remain stationary the DC raises by 15 points.
9 Your slow processing speed makes it hard to use attachments, using an attachment requires a round of prep
10 You Have Become addicted to the rush your circuits Feel when using Enhancements, each day you do not use an Enhancement you will suffer a Random Disadvantage. This Disadvantage lasts until you take another Random disadvantage or you use an Enhacement item.

Roll Table 4.

Roll 1D10 Effect
1 Your Thrusters Fuel injector is Malfunctioning your speed is Decreased By 20 Feet.(To a Minimum of 5 feet) This Disadvantage does not stack.
2 Your Remaining systems are Being Pushed to the limit keeping You running as a result you Produce a Lot of heat, You must use 1 bottle of coolant each day or Risk over Heating and Bursting into Flames.
3 Most of your Major Systems Have Failed, whilst this disadvantage is active your skills all Suffer a penalty of 3D10 points.
4 Your Tank is Leaking Fuel at a Critical Rate after each Roll Action Or Movement Roll 1D6 on a Roll of 1 you take a single point of Damage.
5 Despite Lacking a stomach, Digestive organs or a mouth, you begin to crave meat, thoughts of smashing charred flesh into your speaker grills fill your mind, you suffer disadvantage on all Rolls each day you until you succumb to this craving. After finishing a long or short Rest this disadvantage will be active until you attempt to eat meat, or you rest again.
6 A Fault in Your visual Processor Has caused it to shut Down leaving you Blind. (See conditions For more information.)
7 Your targeting system is fried you suffer -1D20 to hit rolls and can critically fail on a Roll of 35 instead of 5.
8 Your defences are rusted and broken, you take an additional 50% of damage on enemy Ac rolls of 50 or higher.
9 Glitches in your software causes you to have migrane-like symptoms Roll 1D100 on a Roll of 35 or lower you use the skill modifier of another skill determined by the Dms roll.
10 The Programming that Controls your weapon Attachments has developed a bug when you land a hit with any weapon Roll 1D10 to determine The Damge Die. (If a weapon uses multiple Damage Dice Roll 1D10 per die). D10 Results. 1-3 No Damage Die 4-6 D4 7-8 D6 9 D8 10 D10

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