Child of Atom.

The church of Atom.

The religion of the Children of Atom is centred around the eponymous Atom and the idea that within every atomic mass in all of creation exists an entire universe. When that atomic mass is split, that universe divides and becomes two. As such, Atom is a creator deity, creating new worlds through the act of nuclear fission (referred to by the Children as Division). As a result, the Great War is seen and cherished as a divine event that created uncountable new universes in one instant. It represents creation and unification in Atom's Glow.
The Children have a loosely hierarchical structure, centred around spiritual leaders. Called either confessors or mothers, depending on gender, they hold absolute authority and can issue commandments at will. The Children of Atom are all sworn to follow them or suffer the consequences. Many Children exhibit congenital immunity to radiation, but the faith accepts all converts as long as their faith is true. Potential converts are typically inducted by drinking irradiated water, provided by the confessor. this weeds out the weak and infirm, as well as identifying immune persons who are fit to take on more dangerous tasks in service of Atom.



The militant arm of the Children is composed of zealots, sworn to defend the faith and guard its followers and their shrines. Zealots are typically former mercenaries or raiders who converted to the faith and operate under the command of a grand zealot. The grand zealot typically designates a deputy, tasked with ensuring the fitness of other zealots.


The Children of Atom attach little importance to worldly possessions and so they care little for the quality of their equipment. They tend to dress in rags decorated with electrical wiring and salvaged metal items representing the atom's nucleus. For protection, they employ simple guns or makeshift Gamma guns, relying on the strength of their faith and intensity of local radiation for protection.

Who Are THe Children of Atom.


The children of Atom are Mainly Humans although a few are ghouls. Children of Atom can have any Alignment.


When creating a Child of Atom here are some things to consider.
What made your character decide to join the Temple of Atom?
Which role within the Temple would be best suited to your character?
What is your characters place in the world?
What did your character do before joining the Temple? Or were you born within its walls never leaving until you were an adult


You can pick one trait from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.

  1.  I idolize a particular military leader of the old world, who shed atoms light across the earth and constantly refer to that person’s deeds and example.
  2.  I I’ve spent so long in the temple that I have little practical experience dealing with the people in the wasteland.
  3.  I see omens in every event and action. Atom is trying to speak to us, we just need to listen to him.
  4.  Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.
  5.  I quote (or misquote) sections of nuclear safety leaflets and propaganda as sacred text in almost every situation.
  6.  I am tolerant (or intolerant) of those who do not live in the light of atom and respect (or condemn) their way of life.



You can pick one ideal from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.

  1.  Tradition: The ancient traditions of worship and sacrifice must be preserved and upheld.
  2.  Charity: I always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost.
  3. Change: We must help bring about the age of Atom and bathe the world in his light.
  4. Power: I hope to one day rise to the top of my temple hierarchy.
  5.  Faith: I trust that Atom will guide my actions. I have faith that if I work hard, things will go well.
  6.  Aspiration: I seek to prove myself worthy of Atoms favour by matching my actions against his teachings.


You can pick one Bond from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.

  1.  I would die to recover a relic of my faith that was lost long ago.
  2.  I will someday get revenge on the corrupt temple hierarchy who branded me a heretic.
  3.  I owe my life to the priest who took me in and showed me Atoms light.
  4.  Everything I do is for the common people.
  5.  I will do anything to protect the temple where I served.
  6.  I seek to preserve a sacred Device that my enemies consider heretical and seek to destroy.


You can pick one Flaw from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.

  1.  I judge others harshly, and myself even more severely.
  2.  I put too much trust in those who wield power within my temple’s hierarchy.
  3.  My piety sometimes leads me to blindly trust those that profess faith Atom
  4.  I am inflexible in my thinking.
  5.  I am suspicious of wastelanders and expect the worst of them.
  6.  Once I pick a goal, I become obsessed with it to the detriment of everything else in my life.

Bonuses & Starting equipment .

Important skills.
The 5 main skills for a Child of Atom are.

Energy Weapons: Guns +5
Chemistry +5 
Persuasion +5
History +5
Athletics +5

Starting Equipment

A Leather satchel
Foot wraps and Wasteland Rags
Empty 1.5 litre plastic Bottle
Mess Tin
Cosmic Knife or Cosmic Knife Spear 
A small piece of nuclear waste that emits very low radiation 
A detonator for a prewar bomb 
A religious Pamphlet titled Duck & Cover. Its full of nuclear safety tips 

Perk & Disadvantage.

Atoms protection (Perk).

Whenever you’re exposed to radiation thanks to Atoms Blessing you only take half of your Roll (rounded up).

Atoms Devotion (Disadvantage).

  1. To keep the protection of Atom, you must spend 10 minutes every day Praising Atom in a place of Low(or higher) Radiation.