Life Events.

No matter how long you've been alive, you have experienced at least one signature event that has influenced your character. Life events can be wonderous events filled with joy, Dark sorrow filled tragedies, bloody conflicts, amazing accomplishments or encounters with the bizarre and mysterious. 


These events can help to explain why your character became an adventurer, some might still haunt you twisting your character and some may still be unfolding around you, the older a character is or the longer they've been conscious the greater the chance of multiple life events as shown on the life events by age table. If you have already chosen your characters starting age then see the entry in the life events table that corresponds to your age. Otherwise you can Roll dice to determine your current age and number of life events. 


Once you've determined the Number of life events your character has experienced Roll once on the event Table for each of them. Many of the results on that table will direct you to one of the secondary tables that follow. Once you have determined all of your characters life events, you can arrange them in any chronological order you see fit.

Calculating age.

Human's & Synth's

Take only the Results of the Dice Roll as your age. 

Super Mutant's, Nightkin & ghoul's

Take the Results of the Roll plus 2D100 to calculate your age with a max of 230. 

 Mr. Handy, mr. Gutsy & Splicers 

Take the Results of the Roll for life experience,  But Roll 3D10 and add 200 for your age. 

Life Events by age. 

Roll 1D100 Age Life Events
01-20 1D10 +10 1
21-59 21-30 1D4
60-69 31-40 1D6
70-89 41-50 1D8
90-99 51-60 1D10
100 60 +1D20 1D12

Life Events.

Roll 1D100


You suffered a Tragedy. Roll on the Tragedies Table 


You Gained a Bit of Good Fortune. Roll on the Boons Table 


You Fell in love or got Married if you get this Result more than once or as a Robot you can choose to have a child or meet someone important to you.


You made an Enemy of an adventurer. Roll a D6 an odd numbers mean you are to blame an even number means you are blameless. Use the supplemental tables and work with your Dm to determine this hostile characters identity and the danger they pose to you.


You made a friend of an adventurer. Use the supplemental tables and work with your Dm to add more detail to this friendly character and establish how your friendship began 


You spent time working in a job related to your background. Start the game with an extra 1D100 caps 


You met someone important. Use the supplemental tables to determine this characters identity and how this individual feels about you. Work out additional details with your Dm as needed to fit this character into your backstory. 


You went on an adventure. Roll on the adventures table to see what happened to you. Work with your Dm to determine the nature of your adventure and the creatures you encountered. 


You had a supernatural experience Roll on the supernatural Events table to find out what it was 


You fought in a battle, Roll on the war table to learn what happened to you. Work with your Dm to come up with the reason for the Battle and the factions involved. It might have been a small conflict between your community and a band of Raiders or it could have been a major battle in a larger war.


You committed a crime or were wrongly accused of doing so, Roll on the crime table to determine the nature of the offense and on the punishment table to see what happened to you.


You encountered a pre-war Marvel Roll on the old World table


Something truly strange happened to you Roll on the weird stuff Table.

Secondary tables.

These tables add detail to many of the results on the life events table. The table are in alphabetical order.


ROLL 1D100 Result
01-10 you were attacked by a creature and left for dead, your body is covered in scars, you are missing either an ear or 1D3 fingers or toes. (Additionally roll 1D12 on an even number you gain advantage against this creature, on an odd roll you gain disadvantage, speak with your Dm to decide the creature.
11-20 you Suffered a Near fatal injury, while you survived the wound still pains you from time to time
21-30 you were wounded but in time fully recovered, this experience has left you scarred.
31-40 you contractd a disease while exploring the wastes, Speak with your Dm to determine the disease.
41-50 you were poisoned by a trap or creature. You survived but next time you making a poison saving throw you must roll with disadvantage.
51-60 You lost something of sentimental value to you during your adventure. Remove one trinket from your possessions
61-70 You were terribly frightened by something you encountered out in the wastes, you Ran away upon seeing this and abandoned your companions to their Fate.
71-80 You learned a great deal on your adventure and as result you have gained 1 inspiration point. You can use this to add advantage to one Roll.
81-90 You found a small amount of caps on your adventure. You have 2D10 left from your share of it.
91-99 you Found a large stash of caps on your adventure. You have 5D20 (+50) left from your share of it.
100 You came across a piece of Rare old world tech (of the Dm's Choice)


ROLL 1D10 Result
1 A Friendly settler has given you an item of the Dms choice.
2 you saved the life of a settler, who now owes you a life debt. This settler accompanies you on your adventure and preforms mundane tasks for you, but will leave if neglected, abused, abandoned or imperilled. Determine, the details about this character using the supplemental tables and working with your Dm.
3 You found a Horse.
4 you Found a stash of caps, Roll 3D20 +15
5 A Relative or friend has given you a starting weapon of your choice.
6 You Found something interesting you Gain one additional Trinket.
7 you once preformed a service for the Church of atom, anytime you visit one of their churches or temples, you can receive healing upto your max hp.
8 After helping a Trube the shaman has given you a flask containing a substance of your Dms choice.
9 You Find a Treasure Map.
10 Following The Death of a Relative or Freind you have been left a large amount of caps. Roll 1 D6 and then roll an amount of D100s equal to your Roll Result. (For example if you roll 4 on the D6 Roll 4D100).


ROLL 1D8 Result
1 Murder.
2 Theft.
3 Burglary.
4 Assault.
5 Smuggling.
6 kidnapping.
7 Extortion.
8 Counterfeiting.


ROLL 1D12 Result
1-3 You did not commit the crime and were exonerated after being accused.
4-6 You Committed the crime or helped do so, but were still found not guilty.
7-8 You were very nearly caught in the act. You had to flee and are wanted in the community where the crime was committed
9-12 You were caught and convicted. You spent time in jail and you were forced to do hard labour. You either served your sentence of 1D6 years or you escaped after that much time.

pre-war Marvel.

ROLL 1D10 Result
1 you were mesmerised or frightened by the effects of a pre-war Machine.
2 You were injured by a Robot or Turret.
3 You witnessed the Destructive power of technology First hand this experienced has either made you seek to prevent or control such power.
4 you were afected by a piece of tech of the Dms choice.
5 you have found a working piece of technology of the Dms choice.
6 you were affected by a Molecular Relay Beam and Transported to another location.
7 you Found a working Stealth Boy, add this to your inventory.
8 you studied a certain aspect of the old world +1D6 on to your science, Medicine, history or repair Skill.
9 you Have witnessed technology that isn't known too exist, discuss this with your Dm.
10 You have been studied by a piece of technology designed to predict the future. Roll twice on the Life events table but do not add this to your background. Instead the Dm picks one result as a potential future results which may come to pass.

supernatural Events. 

ROLL 1D100 Result
01-05 You Were possessesed by a powerful force and made to do its bidding.
06-10 You saw a creature with glowing green eyes in the fog, you ran away before it could catch you
11-15 You suffered ghostly visions of the past while exploring a ruined building.
16-20 You woke up one morning miles from your home withno memory of how you got there.
21-30 You visited a Holy site and felt the presence of the Divine.
31-40 You witnessed a Falling Red star, a face appearing in the frost, or some other bizarre happening. You are certain that it was an omen of some sort.
41-50 You escaped certain death, you sensed a powerful presence and believe this was the work of a higher being.
51-60 You witnessed a minor miracle.
61-70 You explored an empty ruined building and found it to be haunted.
71-75 you saw a mythical creature of your choice.
76-80 You saw a Ghost.
81-85 A presence stalks you at night turning your dreams into Horrifying Nightmares.
86-90 A presence visited your dreams to warn you of a coming danger.
91-95 You have a large gap in your memories 1D6 weeks, you woke up in The middle of the wastelands clutching an item from the trinket table.
96-100 You once saw someone dissappear in a flash of Blue light.


ROLL 1D12 Result
1-2 A Family member or a close friend died. Roll on the cause of death supplemental table To find out how.
3 A friendship ended bitterly, and the other person is now hostile to you, the cause may have been a misunderstanding, or due to the actions of you or the other party.
4 You lost all of your possessions and had to rebuild your life.
5 You were imprisoned for a crime you didn't commit and spent upto 1D10 years at hard labour or in jail.
6 War, or Creature/Faction attacks Ravagd your home community, reducing everything to Ash and rubble. In the aftermath you either helped to rebuild or had to leave and find a new home.
7 A lover or close Friend/Relative disappeared without a trace, you have been looking for them ever since.
8 A Terrible blight in your home community caused famine, many starved and you lost a sibling or other family member.
9 You did something that caused Terrible shame to you in the eyes of your family as a result the attitude of your family towards you is indifferent at best, although they may one day forgive you.
10 For a reason you were never told, you were forced out of your home and exiled from your community. You then either wandered the Wasteland or promptly found a New home.
11 A relationship ended. Roll 1D6 on an odd number the relationship ended badly, on an even the split was amicable.
12 A current or prospective Romantic partner of yours died. Roll on the cause of death table to find out how. If the result is murder roll 1D12 on 1 you were responsible either directly or indirectly.


ROLL 1D12 Result
1 You were Knocked out and left for dead. You woke up hours later with no recollection of the battle.
2-3 You were badly injured in the fight, and you still bear the scars of those wounds.
4 You ran away from Battle to save your life, but you still feel shame for your cowardice.
5-7 You suffered only minor injuries, your wounds all healed leaving no or minor scars.
8-9 You survived the battle, but you suffer from terrible nightmares in which you relive the experience.
10-11 You escaped the battle unscathed, though many of your friends were injured or lost.
12 You handled yourself well in Battle and as a result you're Remembered as a hero. You might have received a medal for your bravery or actions.

weird Stuff. Roll1D12

ROLL Result
1 You Belive your mind was transfered into a creature and remained there for 1D20 Days.
2 You were cryogenicly frozen or chemicaly petrified for a time until somebody released you.
3 You were captured by Mutants, Raiders, Gunners or Tribals and lived in their camp for 1D6 years before escaping.
4 A Creature Held you captive for 1D4 months until adventurers Killed it.
5 You were surrounded by a pack of feral ghouls, somehow you managed to survive but the pack remained in place for 1D4 weeks.
6 You served a powerful adventure as a hireling. You have only recently left that service. Use the supplement tables and work with your Dm to determine the basic Details about your former employer.
7 You went insane for 1D8 years and recently regained your sanity. A tic or some other bit of odd behaviour might linger.
8 You were swallowed whole by a giant fish or creature but managed to survive inside its mouth for 1D8 Days before escaping.
9 You were captured by a cult and nearly sacrificed on an altar to the being the cultists served. You escaped, but you fear they will find you.
10 A close friend, relative or lover, was actually a synth.
11 You became trapped in the lair of an abomination, but somehow after 1D6 days you escaped.
12 A powerful person Granted you one wish, you wasted it on something stupid.