
certain consumables such as Chems, alcohol and certain plants and food items are addictive to the player, these products add addiction points to the player Which are taken away from the players addiction threshold. When you hit your addiction threshold you gain 1 level of addiction and an addiction Flaw from the list below.


You can have a number of addiction levels equal to your Endurance modifier, when you exceed this number you die. for example a player with 7 endurance would be able to survive 7 levels of addiction but upon reaching the eighth level the Player would die. 
After the player reaches the halfway point for their total addiction level all drugs double in addictiveness. this means that a character with an endurance score of 8 would gain double addiction after passing the 4th level, a player with an endurance score of 7 would reach half addiction after passing 3 and a half levels of addiction.



Roll a D10 to determine the flaw you gain, if you Roll a Flaw you already have either take the one above or roll again. Ask your dm which of the 4 tables you need to Roll. 

Roll Table 1.

Roll 1D10 Effect
1 You areBeginning to lose focus, whilst this disadvantage is active your skills all Suffer a penalty of 1D6 points.
2 whilst under the effects of chems Whenever you roll a D10 or higher, use The list below to Add a bonus to Your Roll. D10 +1D4-2 D12  +1D4-1 D20 +1D4 D100 +1D20
3 The Chems that you use now have a stronger effect you gain a 25% bonus on all skill Rolls made under the effects of Chems
4 Your legs are Begining to grow Tired your speed is Decreased By 5 Feet.(To a Minimum of 5 feet) This Disadvantage does not stack.
5 You can feel the Chems enhancing your body, whilst under the effects of chems you gain a bonus of +1D20 to all skills. This effect last 1D4 hours.
6 Your senses are becoming Dull, when you make a Roll For Perception Roll 1D8 on a Roll of 3 or lower you have Disadvantage.
7 Whenever you use injectable chems you Remove a small amount of Radiation from your system.
8 You Feel overwhelmed and unsure in combat and occasionaly this causes you to Freeze, at the Beginning of your Turn during combat, Roll 1D20 on a Roll of 3 or Lower your Turn is Skipped.
9 Your Body is beginning to Grow weary, as a Result you loose 25lbs From your maximum Carry weight.
10 When You take chems you can feel the energy coursing through your veins, as a Result you gain a boost of 1D12 temporary Hp, this Hp boost lasts 3 Rounds or until it is depleted.

Roll Table 2.

Roll 1D10 Effect
1 Your Body is growing weak and everything aches. After each Action Or Movement Roll 1D20 on a Roll of 1 you take a single point of Damage.
2 The Chems that you use now have a stronger effect you gain a 50% bonus on all skill Rolls made under the effects of Chems
3 You Struggle to Hold your focus, whilst this disadvantage is active your skills all Suffer a penalty of 1D8 points.
4 You stumble as you walk your speed is Decreased By 10 Feet.(To a Minimum of 5 feet) This Disadvantage does not stack.
5 You can feel the Chems enhancing your body, whilst under the effects of chems you gain a bonus of +1D20 to all skills. This effect last 1D8 hours.
6 your abuse of substances has taken a toll on your mind as a result You Have forgotten about a specififc Type of Creature or Race, (Ask Your Dm To Roll This) as a result you have disadvantage to all checks against the Race or creature and must Treat their exsistence as if they were Childish Tales.
7 Seeing any form of chem or similarly addictive substance causes you to loose focus, you gain disadvantage on your next Roll.
8 As you lose yourself to addiction you begin to slip into paranoia. you are wary of anyone you don't know and your paranoia causes you to distrust those you call friends.
9 You Take longer to fall asleep and you struggle to Get a decent Rest as a result you Recover Less Hp, when resting for 4 Hours you recover 10% less Hp, and for 8 Hours you recover 20% less Hp.
10 Whilst using chems you see things in ways normal people can't, as a result you gain the Following Bonuses to your Skills and attributes +30 Perception, +20 to 1 weapons skill, +10 Scavenging/Foraging, +10 Persuasion/Deception/Intimidation This effect is active for 24hours after you use Chems, and resets each time you use  chems

Roll Table 3.

Roll 1D10 Effect
1 Your legs are almost too weak to carry you, your speed is Decreased By 15 Feet.(To a Minimum of 5 feet) This Disadvantage does not stack.
2 Your mind is slipping away at an Alarming Rate, whilst this disadvantage is active your skills all Suffer a penalty of 2D8 points.
3 You struggle to hold your focus during combat as a result when you make an Attack during Combat Roll 1 D20 on a Roll Of 7 Or lower Your attack is made against a Random Player or Creature within Range.
4 Your over use of chems is wearing out your body after each Roll, Action Or Movement Roll 1D10 on a Roll of 1 you take a single point of Damage.
5 Whenever you use chems or drink enough alcohol to become Drunk you lose 1 level of exhaustion. This effect can only be used twice per Day.
6 due to Frequently injecting yourself with chems you struggle to succesfuly administer Stimpacs of any size, You must pass a Dc 50 Medicine skill check when using a stimpac failing this Roll uses up the Item but you dont rrecive any of the effects.
7 your abuse of chems has caused your mind to slip into hallucinations, when you make a Roll For Perception Roll 1D8 on a Roll of 3 or lower you have Disadvantage. additionaly The Dm will Roll To determine if the results of your check are True or Caused By a hallucination
8 You have lost the Ability to maintain object permanence, you now believe once an object person or creature leaves your sight it no longer exists.
9 You Have Become addicted to the rush you Feel when using Chems, each day you do not use at least one chem you will suffer a Random Disadvantage. This Disadvantage lasts until you take another Random disadvantage or you use chems.
10 You have become heavily addicted to Chems, if you don't use any chems for 1D4 days, you gain 1 level of exhaustion, you gain another Level of exhaustion each day until you use chems again. (The Result of your initial Roll, sets the number of days, this number cannot be Rerolled unless this disadvantage is lost and regained)

Roll Table 4.

Roll 1D10 Effect
Roll 1D10 Effect
1 The damage youve done to your body is taking its toll on your health. After each Roll, Action Or Movement Roll 1D6 on a Roll of 1 you take a single point of Damage.
2 your abuse of chems has caused your body to begin to shutdown, if You remain stationary for a Round of combat your body will begin to seize up require a DC 50 medicine check to move again, each subsequent round you remain stationary the DC raises by 15 points.
3 your abuse of chems causes you to have migrane-like symptoms when attempting a skill check Roll 1D100 on a Roll of 35 or lower you use the skill modifier of another skill determined by the Dms roll.
4 Your muscles Have Become weak and struggle to hold you up and as a result you Gain 2D20lbs of weight, This weight is added to your total equiped weight
5 Your legs are now so weak you can barely stand your speed is Decreased By 20 Feet.(To a Minimum of 5 feet) This Disadvantage does not stack.
6 Your Remaining vital systems are Being Pushed to the limit keeping You alive as a result when you fall unconcious you only have 1 saving throw. if you fail this throw you will die instantly.
7 Most of your Major vital Systems are Failing, whilst this disadvantage is active your skills all Suffer a penalty of 4D10 points.
8 your abuse of chems has left you Blind. (See conditions For more information.) This condition cannot be Removed.
9 your arms are weak and shakey, you strugle to aim when using Ranged weapons and as a result you suffer -1D20 to hit rolls and can critically fail on a Roll of 35 instead of 5.
10 Roll 1D100 on a Roll of 35 or Lower your Player character has suffered a Fatal overdose and has died.