
Flash flooding.

A flash flood is a rapid flooding of low-lying areas: washes, rivers, dry lakes and depressions. It may be caused by heavy rain associated with a severe thunderstorm, hurricane, tropical storm, or meltwater from ice or snow flowing over ice sheets or snowfields. It can cause rubble and debris to be swept up causing damage. To players and making streets inaccessible

Forest Fires.

A wildfire fire or rural fire is an uncontrolled fire caused by lightning or excessive heat in dry areas, it can cause damage to building’s, reduce visibility and damage the players.


a sudden violent shaking of the ground, typically causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action. Earthquakes have become more common since the Atomic Fires of the Great war scorched the earth and can collapse structures and  causing land slides and rock falls, earthquakes can cause heavy damage to players and equipment.

Rock Falls and Land slides.

A rockfall is a type of fast-moving landslide that happens when rock or earth falls, bounces, or rolls from a cliff or down a very steep slope. Rockfalls start from high outcrops of hard, erosion-resistant rock that become unstable  can be very dangerous depending on where they occur, the size of the rocks involved, and how fast the rocks fall or bounce downslope. Because they are often catastrophic and without warning, it is difficult for players to tell when a Rockslide may occur, being caught in the resulting Debris can damage players and equipment. 

Collapsing Ruins.

After 200 years of erosion from time and the enviroment many of the buildings in the wasteland have become severely damaged and prone to unexpected collapse. This could be triggered by explosion, rockslides, earthquake or shifting weight inside the building. When a building collapses it can damage players  and equipment as well as attract nearby creatures. 


A stampede is a sudden panicked rush of large Herd animals, while the initial stemepede can be incredibly dangerous to players the real danger is the cause of the stampede. After a stampede has passed players should seek shelter as quick as possible to avoid some of the wastelands more dangerous Predators.

Swarms and Hordes.

 A Swarm or Horde is a large group of creatures, these creatures are normally hostile and can descend into an area at incredible speeds. Players should avoid  these large gatherings by any means possible as any player unlucky enough to be caught inside a horde or swarm is almost guaranteed to die.  

The cloud.

The Cloud is an airborne toxin, spewed over the dead city of Elysium by the air conditioning and climate control systems inside the City walls. Over the years, the Cloud has only grown into a massive blood-red fog that blankets the entire city. It has spread into the mines  below and  travels through the tunnels, the cloud  moves quickly seeping out of nearby mine shafts and tunnels engulfing an area. While the cloud can deal radiation to any players inside, but the real Danger comes in the form of the Ghost people who inhabit the deadly smog.  

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