stealth Sickness Roll tables.

Level 4.

Roll 1D6 Result.
1 You are not in Full control of Your emotions, when you are In a stressful situation make a constitution check set by the Dm, on a Failed Roll you lose your temper and react by insulting, attacking or otherwise act against the source of the stress.
2 You have trouble focusing on anything not of immediate interest. And must pass a percerption check set by the Dm to keep Focus, on a failed Roll you lose focus and your mind wanders.
3 You find it difficult to concentrate on a single task for longer than a few minutes. after each ability check you must make a perception saving throw set by the Dm on a failed Roll you lose concentration and cannot continue with your current task.
4 You are extremely stubborn, whenever a fellow party member or Npc attempts to convince you to carry out a task you must Roll a Constitution check contested by a Charisma check made by the other party. If you win the contest you remain stubborn  but on a failed Roll the other party successfully convinces you to carry out the task.
5 You are tormented by nightmares, each time you Rest make a luck check set by the Dm on a Failed Roll you suffer from nightmares and gain disadvantage until you Rest again.
6 you believe everything you hear. Make an inteligence check set by your Dm on a failed Roll you take the statement as absolute Fact.

Level 8.

Your sanity is at stake due to voices only you can hear. In any stressful situation, you may hear voices and You msy also hear voices when you fail a check related to your mental or physical well being. At the Dm's discretion. 

To determine the nature of the voices use the Table Below.

Roll 1D6 Result.
1 Annoying: You hear voices, but you are reasonably sure that they are not real, and they do not harm you directly. Still, most people who see you responding to unheard noises will react. As a result when initiating conversation Roll a constitution check set by the Dm, on a Fail you have disadvantage to all speech checks during the conversation.
2 Disturbing: The voices you hear can drown out normal sounds, and whisper horrifying things, to startle and frighten you. You are more likely to be frightened by your surroundings, when you are surprised or encounter anything frightening such as sudden or inescapable darkness, long untouched buildings, excessive amounts of Death or Gore, abominations or  insects, you must make a Constitution check set by the Dm, on a failed Roll you become frightened.
3 Conspiring: The voices whisper outlandish conspiracies, and theories which you often find more plausible than the reality of the situation, your Dm may randomly ask you to make an Inteligence check, if you fail this Roll you become distrustful of your surroundings and begin to build conspiracies about your current situation in your mind. After each rest you must Reroll the initial check with each failure adding +10 to the DC. You are distrustful until you succeed an intelligence check or the situation is Resolved.
4 Overconfident: the voices you hear fill you with false confidence, when faced with a difficult or dangerous situation you must make an inteligence check set by your Dm, on a failed Roll you rush into the situation with a total disregard for your own safety.
5 Mocking: The voices you Hear mock and taunt you often Driving you into a Frenzied Rage wether seen or unseen at the Begining of Combat Roll a Constitution check set by your Dm, on a failed Roll you become enraged for 1D6 Rounds and must spend each turn attacking the nearest target, including party members and friendly NPCs.
6 Diabolical: The voices in your Head tell you to kill others, or perform other terrible deeds. If you are already under stress, or under the influence of drugs, and you find yourself in a situation where you May torture or murder a humanoid or other creature you  need to make a Constitution Check set by your Dm to avoid carrying out the “orders” on a Failed Roll you carry out the Heinous act and must deal with the consequences.

Level 12.

Roll 1D6 Result.
1 You have begun to experience vivid hallucinations and as a result have gained disadvantage on all Ability Checks that rely on vision.
2 Your mental decline  has caused you to develop Insomnia, as a result you only recover Half of the usual amount of Hp from sleeping while exploring the Wasteland. For example sleeping in the Wasteland for 8 hours with shelter and a bed would allow you to recover up to 40% of your max Hp instead of 80%.
3 You want to see your foes Dead and often enter a Frenzied state during combat, when attempting to knock a target unconscious or non lethaly restrain a target you must make a constitution check set by your Dm, if you pass this check you can attempt to spare your target, but on a fail you must kill them.
4 You like fires and you really like setting them anytime you find yourself in a situation with the means to start a fire you must Roll a constitution check set by the Dm on a fail you must start a fire regardless of the consequences, in addition to this any attacks you make which deal burn damage from fire deal 50% extra damage.
5 You tend to rampage out of control when you or a loved one is harmed, making frenzied attacks against whoever or whatever you see as the cause of the trouble. while in this Frenzied state you may only attack and use all of your movement charging towards the target, in order to turn and Retreat you must Roll a constitution check set by the Dm on a Failure you continue attacking until your target is dead.
6 Your loss of sanity has made you weak willed and as a result you require a "master" to give you orders, this master can be a party member or a creature but must be a physical living being, when you are separated from your master by 100ft or more, or cannot see or communicate with your master you gain the confused condition and lose 1D20 from each ability Roll you make.

Level 16.

Roll 1D6 Result.
1 When Seen by any non friendly creature or person During Combat, The character becomes Frightened and must use his or her action and Movement each round to flee from the source of the fear. For 1D4 Rounds.
2 When seen by any non friendly creature or person During Combat, The character becomes Incapacitated and spends the Duration of Their turn screaming, laughing, or weeping. This effect lasts 1D2 turns.
3 When seen by any non friendly creature or person During Combat,The character retreats into his or her mind and becomes Paralyzed. The Effect ends if the character takes any damage.
4 when Seen by any non friendly creature or person During Combat, The character experiences uncontrollable tremors or tics, which impose disadvantage on Attack Rolls, ability Checks, and Saving Throws. For 1D4 Rounds
5 When seen by any non friendly creature or person During Combat, The character becomes Enraged and must use his or her action each round to Attack the nearest target even if it's an Npc or a Party member. This effect lasts For 1D4 Rounds
6 When Seen by any non friendly creature or person During Combat, The player must Roll  1D20 on an odd Roll The character falls Unconscious For 1D4-1 Rounds with a minimum of 1. No amount of jostling or damage can wake the character.

The effects of each disadvantage Restart one turn after they end if the player character can still be seen, this does not occur if the player is Hidden but not invisible, or if the player is behind full cover. 

Level 20.

Roll 1D6 Result.
1 The character Loses the ability to speak completely and can no longer make speech based ability checks.
2 You have developed an obsessive  fear of dirt or Contamination. when you find yourself in a particularly dirty place, surroubded by death or Gore or come in contact with Radiation or the Cloud. You must Roll 1D10 on a Roll of 1-6 you gain a disadvantage until you leave the area. Additionally whilst in the area you are reluctant to touch anything and become obsessed with staying clean.
3 When Confroted in combat or engaged by an unknown Npc in conversation friendly or otherwise, you must Roll 1D10 on a Roll of 1-7 you Have an outburst of extreme rage damaging Property and injuring yourself or others in the process, these outbursts are all out of proportion to the events that trigger them, and an everyday annoyance can easily set off a fit of extreme rage.
4 You have Developed extreme paranoia, you distrust and are suspicious of others. You erroneously think that others are trying to hurt you or that they’re untrustworthy. You hear innocent remarks and view them as personal attacks. You hold grudges and may become hostile when you believe others have insulted you. (This disadvantage is permanently applied)
5 Sometimes your Mental Deterioration becomes overwhelming so you turn to alcohol or Chems. When you take drink alcohol or use Chems they hold off your other disadvantages for a short while, but over time you will feel you need to use the substance many times every day. You need more overtime to achieve the same effects. You might steal to get the substance and always be concerned about keeping a supply of it on hand.
6 The player must Roll 1D100, The character is permanently  Blinded on a Roll of 1-40, or permanently Deafened on a a Roll of 41-80. On a Roll of 81-100 the player is neither blinded or Deafened. This effect can be temporarily removed through the use of Healing items.