Level 0. Perks


Heavy Handed.

You hit hard but without finesse, you do a bonus 20% damage to all unarmed and melee attacks but your critical hit must be checked a second time.

Built to Destroy.

The flamer that burns twice as bright burns half as long, you have a +30 chance to critically hit (65-100), but your weapons break down 3 times as fast.


You are a little slower, but you hit hard very hard you go last in combat but your unarmed damage is raised by 50%.


Fast Shot.

You attack with a gun faster than most people, as a result you gain an extra shot in each turn as a bonus action when using a gun or energy weapon but you gain a Disadvantage to Unarmed attacks in exchange.

One Hander.

One of your hands is stronger than the other we wont ask why,  you gain a +20 bonus to hit with all one handed melee weapons, but suffer a -20 penalty to hit when using two handed melee weapons.

Targeting Computer (Robot only).

You were built with a dedicated targeting computer, you gain the option to take advantage on an aimed shot, but you cannot move in that turn.


Chemical Reliant.

Your addiction rate to chems is twice as strong but the effects of all chems lasts twice as long.

Chemical Resistance.

Your addiction rate to chems is half as strong but the effects or power of some chems is halved.

Fast metabolism.

You have a very high metabolic rate. You regain 50% more hit points from healing items; however, you take 50% more damage from poison and radiation.

Vat skin (Mutant Only).

Your skin is a ghastly sight to see, and you have a permanent, almost unbearable stench, you gain a bonus 20% to your ac but any creature with a sense of smell within 5 feet of you has disadvantage on all rolls.

Tight Nuts (Robot only).

You were built to last you gain a bonus of 20% to your Ac, but require a repair check of 100 to use any healing items. On a failed Roll the item is lost. 

EMP Shielding (Robot only).

You have dedicated EMP shielding making you immune to EMP damage, but its Bulk and weight causes you to lose 5 feet of your speed.


Radiant Personality.

what you Lack in Intellect you make up for in Charisma, your Scores For any 2 Charisma Skills are Raised by 20 But all Intelligence Skills are lowered by 10. 


Good Natured.

You studied up on skills other than combat you may move up to 20 points from weapon skills into any other skills.

Tech wizard.

You've spent many years learning technical skills one of  your intelligence skills is raised by 20, but your eyesight has is damaged, you cannot make out objects further than 30 feet away you suffer disadvantage on rolls within 30 feet, Unless you are wearing Glasses.

Beta software (Robot only).

You have been loaded with experimental software, making you prone to weird unexpected glitches. The glitches can either be a help or a hindrance.



By not paying attention to threats around you, you move faster than most people in combat gaining a +20 bonus to your initiative roll, however you take a -20% penalty to your Ac.

Small Frame.

Due to your small stature you are unable to carry a lot of weight you lose 40lbs from your maximum carry weight. But you gain 10 feet of speed.


You attack with style the critical range for any weapon you use is 20 greater (95 becomes 75), but when rolling for Non Critical Damage You Must Roll twice and use the lower score.



For you and everyone 10feet around you all rolls are considered critical fails on a roll of 20 or lower.

Fear the Reaper.

You have cheated death! You gain an extra perk at level 5, but something dangerous lies in your future (discuss with your Dm).