Faulty combat chip
A Securitron combat chip its not built for you but whats the harm? Grants Advantage to attacks for 1 round of combat
Makeshift water proofing
A strange homemade bottle of goo that somebody has written “seelent” on in marker pen, reduces water taken on for 10 doses
Broken armour plating
Armour plating from a broken down old robot when its connected you feel a rush to your processors, grants 10% reduction to al damage taken for 5 round of combat
Impure thruster fuel
It burns through your engines puffing out black smoke but grants you a bonus of 15 feet to your speed for 2 turns
Malfunctioning sensor module
A cracked an dirty sensor module when you plug it into your port you feel a rush and gain advantage to your next 3 rolls (outside of combat)
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