buzz saw.
A standard issue Buzz Saw Attached To Most Domestic MR. Handy units it Deals 1D6 Piercing Damage and can be used Twice per Turn its durability is 90 after which it can no longer be used.
Laser Blaster.
A standard issue laser Blaster Attached To Most combat Ready MR. Gutsy units it Deals 1D6 Damage and can be fired three times per Turn its durability is 120 after which it can no longer be used. this weapon requires E-Cells and has a range of 30 ft.
shock baton.
A standard issue Shock Batton Attached To the MR. Orderly line of MR. Handy units it Deals 1D6+1 shock Damage and can be used Twice per Turn its durability is 90 after which it can no longer be used.
Tesla Arc. (Eyebot only).
The Tesla Cannon is a common attachment For Duraframe Eyebot's intended For Direct Combat. The Arc Deals 1D6 shock damage to 1D4 targets within 20ft and can be fired twice in a turn with no cool down, or 4 times in a single turn but you must allow 1 Round for the weapon to cool down. This weapon doesn't require ammunition and instead Relies on the Eyebots internal battery. The arc has a Durability of 100 after which it can no longer be used.
Pulse wave Emitter. (Eyebot only).
The pulse wave emitter is more commonly used For Duraframe eyebot's intended For covert operations. The wave Emitter Deals 1D4 shock damage to up to 6 targets within a 20ft Radius and can be fired twice in a turn with no cool down, or 4 times in a single turn but you must allow 1 Round for the weapon to cool down. This weapon doesn't require ammunition and instead Relies on the Eyebots internal battery. The wave emitter can also be used to deactivate electrical devices silently such as Turrets and other Robots, when used to disable a robot in combat the target must make a Dc150 constitution check and on a fail is Incapacitated For 1D4 Rounds. The wave emitter has a Durability of 120 after which it can no longer be used.
Assaultron Laser Blaster.
A standard issue laser Blaster Attached To Most combat Ready Assaultron units it Deals 1D6+1 Damage and can be fired three times per Turn its durability is 120 after which it can no longer be used. this weapon requires E-Cells and has a range of 30 ft.
Assaultron Machete.
Deals 1D6 Piercing Damage and can be used Three times per Turn its durability is 90 after which it can no longer be used.
Assaultron shock Claw.
Deals 1D6+2 shock Damage and can be used Twice per Turn its durability is 90 after which it can no longer be used.
A large mounted Electro-Magnet Programmed to collect dropped and discarded bottle caps. when the magnet is equipped and activated it Increases the amount of found caps by 25%
enhanced Sensors.
An array of Enhanced Sensor Modules often found on Domestic MR. Handy Models when equipped the sensor Array Grant's a Bonus of 25 points to all Scavenging Skill Rolls.
A large Front Mounted Flood light found on Most Domestic MR. Handy Models the Flood light Casts a cone of 40 ft bright light and 20 ft dim light, but Requires Bulbs to function. each bulb allows the Flood light to operate for 1D20+4 Hours.
lock pick.
An adaptable probe useful for unlocking Doors and containers. This tool allows the player to unlock a container or door without Bobby pins using the Lock pick skill Modifier and as it deteriorates it causes a penalty to all rolls made when using this Tool.
An Internal Energy Cell Re-charger foun on most Combat Ready MR. Gutsy units, the re-charger is capable of charging up to 10 drained E-cells in a long rest, but Requires a Fusion core upon installation.
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