Armour Breakdown.
Each type of Armour has different faults below are 7 lists of faults for each type. When determining a fault Roll 1D6 if you roll a fault that your Armour already has then take the next one in the list.
You gain the first fault after the piece of armour has lost one third of it's totally Durability and you gain the second when only one third of the total durability remains.
- The damage to your boots is making it exhausting to move quickly in combat -5feet of speed
- The damage to your boots has made it difficult to move around it now takes 15ft of movement to move through 5ft of difficult terrain.
- The damage to your boots makes Athletics checks difficult -10 Athletics.
- The damage to your boots causes their Ac to drop by 30%.
- The damage to your boots causes their Ac to drop by 50%.
- The damage to your boots makes your movement louder -10 sneak.
One of your pockets has torn lose 50% of this items pocket space
Your Weapon holster has jammed you cannot attack on the first turn of combat.
The damage to your Armour its their Ac to drop by 30%
The damage to your Armour its their Ac to drop by 30%
The damage makes movement tricky you lose 5ft of speed
- The damage makes Athletics checks difficult -10 athletics.
Chest pieces.
- The damage to your armour causes its Ac to drop by 30%
- The damage to your armour makes movement difficult you must lose 20lbs from your max weight to move again
- The damage to your armour causes its Ac to drop by 50%
- The damage to your armour makes your attacks more difficult disadvantage to all attacks.
- The damage to your armour causes its Ac to drop by 40%
- Your enemies have learnt to exploit weakness in your armour, Advantage to all Ac rolls against you.
- Damage to your helmet makes aiming difficult, disadvantage to all ranged Ac checks.
- It's hard to see through your helmet disadvantage to all scavenging checks.
- It's hard to see through your helmet vision drops by 5ft.
- The damage to your Helmet causes their Ac to drop by 30%
- The damage to your Helmet causes their Ac to drop by 50%
- The damage to your helmet makes wearing it uncomfortable , you have difficulty focusing. Disadvantage to Repair, Medicine, Science, and History checks.
- Damage to your coat causes its Ac to drop 40%.
- Your coat lining has become torm you take 50% of all cold effects.
- Damage to your coat causes its Ac to drop 30%.
- One of your pockets has torn lose 50% of this items pocket space.
- Damage to your coat means you have a chance to get stuck in difficult terrain.
- Damage to your coat causes its Ac to drop 50%.
- Damage to your gloves causes their Ac to drop by 30%
- Damage to your gloves causes their Ac to drop by 40%
- It's difficult to make precise movements in your gloves Disadvantage Repair checks
- It's difficult to make precise movements in your gloves Disadvantage Medicine checks
- It's difficult to make precise movements in your gloves Disadvantage lockpicking checks
- It's difficult to make precise movements in your gloves Disadvantage science checks
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