

Dirty Water.

Dirty water is the most common type of water found in the wasteland. It is drawn from the tainted lakes, rivers, and puddles. Unlike purified water, this will give radiation when consumed and can spread disease.


The flagship product of the Nuka-Cola Corporation and one of the symbols of pre-war culture. Introduced in 2044, it rapidly dominated the soft drink market, eventually becoming the most popular soda on the market, Bottled and distributed nationwide, Nuka-Cola was available in such numbers that even two centuries after the Great War put a stop to all bottling operations, Bottles can still be found in the wastelands in large quantities.

Nuka-Cola Cherry, Grape & Orange

The constant drive to improve and innovate the Nuka-Cola formula resulted in numerous flavor variations, with the most popular ones like cherry, grape, and orange released just a few years after the drink debuted. Whenever the company encountered competition, it would attempt to deal with it aggressively. Cherry and grape variants of the Nuka-Cola were patents acquired by the company after identifying individual competitors and buying them out.

Purified Water

Purified water is water that has been purged of any radiation, making it one of the only "clean" sources of water in the wasteland. It is not quite as common as Drinks like Nuka-cola or Sunset sarsaparilla, but the water is still rather common, often being found in first aid kits and more advanced settlements.

Sunset Sasparilla

The Sunset Sarsaparilla Company was founded in 1918, making it 126 years older than the Nuka-Cola Corporation. According to legend, a small town saloon owner decided one day to brew a new type of soft drink. He asked his usual patrons what flavor they would want it to be, but they were of no help. However, a stranger at the end of the bar suggested he make a sarsaparilla flavored drink, and would give his family's recipe to the saloon owner if he got to sample a bottle whenever he wanted to make sure the recipe was being followed to the letter. The saloon owner agreed, thinking it would make him rich. The stranger then left to meet him the next day at sundown. The next day, the saloon owner was told by the sheriff that the stranger was killed by bandits on the side of the town road. Cursing his luck, the saloon owner closed his store early that day, just as the sun began to set.  He found a bottle with a note under it sealed with blue wax in the shape of a star. Opening it, he found the recipe of a sarsaparilla-flavored drink. After sampling the contents of the bottle, and finding it singularly delicious, he began selling Sunset Sarsaparilla and even paid for the stranger's funeral, believing that it was the least he could do for his mysterious benefactor. To this day, some bottle of Sunset Sarsaparilla have a bottle cap marked with a blue star that some say the saloon owner mandated, while some say it is the stranger continuing to sample the bottles like he was promised.

Vim! Pop

Vim! Pop Incorporated was founded in 1931 by Herbert Reed who originally sold the beverage as a health tonic. while Vim never gained the national attention that Nuka-Cola did, but it remained a large part of local culture. releasing several flavor variants including Vim Quartz, Vim Refresh and the tentatively named "Captain's Blend" which was popular with taste testers, who predominantly described the flavor as "fishy."


BlamCo. Mac n' cheese

BlamCo Mac & Cheese is a fast food product from before the Great War, which can be found around the wasteland years later. They are found in rectangular green boxes, which features both a picture of the product contained within, macaroni and cheese, and the company logo.


Cram is processed meat from before the War, found in blue tin boxes. They were useful rations during World War II, and many New Republic troops can be seen carrying Cram as rations.

Fancy Lad Snack Cakes

A pre-War snack cake packaged in a bright pink box with its name written on it in fanciful letters. most packages have become slightly irradiated over the years since its production.

imitation Seafood

"Seafood" in a can. It doesn't spoil, making it perfect for survivalists. The instructions on the can say that it should not be heated prior to consumption.


Insta-Mash is packaged in a white box with blue highlights. A tag-line toward the bottom of the box states that Insta-Mash comes "With Real Dig-In Flavor!" The contents are powdered and requires added water to swell.

Potted Meat

Potted meat, or  canned meat, is made by Theodore Collins. At first he planned on using meat bought from traders, but when the first trader delivered too early, the meat that was delivered became spoiled. Theodore came up with the idea to mix it with mole rat meat and did. He had a high demand for the product and traders were not able to quickly deliver him new meat. So, Theodore started using more and more mole rat meat until he couldn't keep up with the demand. He decided to use the meat of other wasteland creatures, including mongrels, Radroaches, Radstag, yao guai, Brahmin, Bloodbugs and eventually feral ghouls, including a glowing one.

Salisbury Steak

Manufactured Pre-war and packaged in a small, worn, red tin displaying a picture of steak with the words 'Salisbury Steak' at the top and 'now with Gravy!' at the bottom, Salisbury steak has become a rare delicacy in the wasteland.

Sugar Bombs

Sugar Bombs were a pre-War breakfast cereal that can be found all around the Wasteland, packaged in white and blue boxes with a red ovoid logo at the top, fully labeled as "Sugar Bombs breakfast cereal." Numerous promotional posters can be found posted on walls around the wasteland, touting the Sugar Bombs' "explosive great taste!" and some supposedly contain a "free Captain Cosmos decoder ring," this Ring has yet to be found but is considered  to have untold powers by many prospectors.

vegetarian ham in a can

A preserved block of something that looks like, but is not, ham. often found in a rusted old can the label states It will never spoil, making it an ideal food for survivalists and that its Safe for vegetarians.