Synth (2nd Generation).


Synths have been manufactured by the Institute for decades, with the precise date when the first generation synths were fielded to the wasteland remaining unknown; however, it was at a time when the Institute had not yet become known within the region and were able to continue their work in relative peace. Further attempts to work peacefully with the native inhabitants of the wasteland eventually culminated in mutual mistrust that ended any possible relationship between the two entities quickly.

Roles in the wasteland.

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Size Medium

Starting Hit Die D8,

Level up Hit Die Class A

Ability score increase: your Agility rises by 2 and your Endurance rises by 1

Age. All 2nd Generation synths have been built in the last 100 years but can be built to replace a human of any age.

Racial Perks.

Dark vision.

You can see 30ft in darkness as if it were bright light then a further 30ft as low light.

Sentry mode.

When resting you don’t sleep so don’t suffer any penalties of poor sleep. For 8 hours outside of a settlement you can Recover up to a point equal to 80% of your max Hp, and 40% for 4 hours.

Robotic Nature.

Your Robotic body has given you an immunity to Disease & Radiation you also have no need to eat or Drink, however your body can process food and Drinks into Bio Fuel for your vital systems and heal 1d4 Damage per meal or 1D2 damage per drink.

Racial Disadvantages.

Water Damage & Over Heating

your circuits can be damaged by exposure to water if you are more than 50% submerged and you are injured this damage will Cause your software to become Corrupted. Additionally you are prone to over heating in high temperature areas and Rely on Coolant to Prevent This. Over heating can also cause corruption.

The Broken Mask.

The citizens of the Wasteland have a Bad relationship with The institute Following the Broken Mask incident. as a Result settlers will often openly distrust you and sometimes this distrust will erupt in violence.

Whilst inside settlements you may be approached by settlers who attempt to engage you in Combat or become verbally aggressive. Additionally guards and officials may be wary of you and even forbid you entry into certain establishments or settlements.

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