
Below is an optional list of 100 trinkets you can add into your backstory

1. An oversized platinum poker chip on one side it says lucky 38 on the other the number 200


2. A small Mr handy keyring the casing is cracked and there’s a seized-up button on the top which doesn’t seem to do anything when pressed


3. A broken old key you’re not sure where it came from or why you still carry it around


4. An old lottery ticket the writing appears to be in Blood and on one side to writing reads Ave, amicus


5. A treasure map that appears to be crudely drawn onto a large piece of dried out skin


6. A silver locket carved with the initials LW


7. A worn magnet of Cappy the Nuka cola mascot


8. old pair of child’s x-ray specs


9. A silver engraved lighter with a power armour helmet design


10. A Slightly used Bar of soap


11. An empty vault Tec lunchbox it’s still in near mint condition


12. A key to a safety deposit box but you’re not sure where the box is


13. An old doodle covered copy of a magazine titled “lying Congressional style”


14. An old silver coin it seems to be from long before the Great war


15. A twisted old silver fork


16. The head of a vault boy bobble head


17. A securitron mk.I toy it’s missing the wheel and the mouth has worn off of the screen


18. The back leg of a Giddy up Buttercup robot horse


19. A pristine pack of pre-war cigarettes


20. The Player’s Handbook of a pre-War game called Vaults and Vampires, with many of its more obscure rules highlighted and their pages marked with colour-coded tabs.


21. An empty chemical canister the cap says west Tek and the side has 2 dots, there may have been more writing but it’s too scuffed to make out


22. A flip lighter surprisingly it still works


23. A carved super mutant femur bone covered in tribal markings


24. A shrunken ghoul head on a small hempen rope


25. A chipped piece of China it looks like it may have been part of a plate once


26. A charm made from the knucklebone of a Deathclaw


27. A perfectly preserved piece of a Cazadore wing, you keep in a small wooden box


28. A sealed pack of pre-war Rob-co playing cards


29. A sunset sarsaparillas cap with a small blue star on the bottom


30. A metal toy soldier with chipped paint


31. A teddy bear in a little white lab coat


32. A Necklace made of Night stalker teeth


33. An old snow globe of a Pre-war city it’s cracked but still intact


34. A grisly amulet made of mole rat teeth, claws, and whiskers.


35. A false eyeball on a neck chain.


36. A decorative bowl carved from a human skull cap bone.


37. A fancy hairbrush with a pretty floral pattern painted gold.


38. A plush sloth toy with a torn leg.


39. A stoppered bottle containing dark yellow liquid and labelled “Yaou Guai Urine - Aphrodisiac”.


40. The antenna of a PDQ-88b Securitron


41. A Roll of undeveloped camera film


42. A hollo disk journal written entirely in code


43. A belt made from Deathclaw hide


44. A carefully folded and tied copy of a Pre-war newspaper dated the 23rd of October 2077


45. An old torch shaped like a protection


46. A broken holodisk


47. A perfectly preserved phrase book written in Chinese


48. A hollo tag belonging to someone called Elijah it seems well travelled


49. A Jangles the Moon Monkey plush toy, unevenly re-stitched in several places.


50. The hemispherical cap of a mini nuke


51. A leaflet from the church of atom


52. A sheet of Grognak the Barbarian water transfers.


53. A pristine pre-war computer chip


54. An Unstoppables Cereal plastic decoder ring


55. A small metal ball with 3 lights that randomly flash


56. A creased pre-war photograph of an attractive Redhead


57. A baby rattle with a demonic face etched into it


58. A child sized Nuka cola watch it still works but the hands move faster than they should


59. A white king from a chess set carved from ivory


60. A black queen from a chess set carved in Ebony


61. A tiny ship impossibly trapped in a whisky bottle


62. A shot glass with a frosted vault-tec logo


63. One page torn from a book of sheet music


64. A jar of white powder labelled “powdered ghoul bones”


65. A large white coffee mug


66. An old black and white picture of a dog


67. A sealed bottle of Nuka cola victory that you’ve been saving for the right time


68. An empty box featuring a design of a young boy performing a nuclear experiment and labelled “U-238 Atomatoys Energy Laboratory Kit”.


69. A canteen with vault 13 carved on the front


70. The casing of a pipboy 3000 the electronic components have been scavenged


71. A coin it appears to have been made after the bombs dropped but looks like an old Roman coin


72. A torn piece of flag depicting a 2 headed bear


73. A pair of old glasses missing the lenses


74. A large metal pin with a gear on the top


75. A jar containing sharp fanged teeth


76. A combination password you don’t know the code for


77. A keyring of vault boy but he’s missing both legs and one arm


78. A 20 sided die the 20 is a Mr. Handy bot


79. A set of false teeth


80. An old letter inviting you to vault 204


81. The skull of a bird, you can’t tell what kind but it’s big


82. A blunt cosmic knife


83. A 44. Bullet with the initials F.G carved into it


84. An old still working set of chattering teeth


85. A pen with Boston C.I.T printed on it


86. A gecko’s eye in a small jar


87. A pamphlet on spotting communists


88. A jar with a severed hand inside 


89. A teddy bear in a soldier’s uniform


90. An anchorage memorial flag


91. A book titled you are special


92. A small screen that just plays a grainy recording of an eye ball


93. A laser pistol key chain


94. A small power armour soldier toy


95. A plastic Halloween bat


96. An atomic wrangler cowboy hat


97. The fingers of a Nightkin on a chain


98. A radio playing a recording of an old man who seems to be trapped in a vault somewhere


99. A holodisk of dean dominos greatest hits


100. A small bag of old wires

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