Wasteland Historian.

The History of the Wasteland.

Who Are the Historians.

Historians are a mix or races and alignments but are usually lawful characters who place knowledge over combat.

When creating a Historian character here are some things to consider.
where did your character comes from?
What made you become a Historian,
Are you a lone wanderer or part of a guild?
What happened to the rest of your group?
What is your characters biggest question about the old world?
What is your preferred field of History?
What is the biggest mystery you wish to solve or uncover?


You can pick one Trait from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.

1. I love a good puzzle or mystery.
2.I'm a pack rat who never throws anything away.
3.I have no qualms about stealing from the dead.
4. I'm happier in a dusty old Ruin than I am in a bustling settlement.
5. The old worlds  secirity systems don't make me nervous. Idiots who trigger them make me nervous.
6.I might fail, but I will never give up.


You can pick one Ideal from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.

1. Preservation. That artifact belongs in a museum.
2. Greed. I won't risk my life for nothing. I expect some kind of payment.
3. Death Wish. Nothing is more exhilarating than a narrow escape from the jaws of death.
4. Dignity. The dead and their belongings deserve to be treated with respect.
5. Immortality. All my exploring is part of a plan to find the science behind everlasting life.
6. Danger. With every great discovery comes grave danger. The two walk hand in hand.


You can pick one Bond from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.

1. Ever since I was a child, I've heard stories about a lost city. I aim to find it, learn its secrets, and earn my place in  history.
2. I want to find my mentor, who disappeared on an expedition some time ago.
3. I have a friendly rival. Only one of us can be the best, and I aim to prove it's me.
4. I won't sell an ancient relic or other treasure that has historical significance or is one of a kind.
5. I'm searching for a great treasure lost In Time.
6. I hope to bring prestige to my people/settlement.


You can pick one Flaw from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.

1. I have a secret fear of some common wild animal – and in my work, I see them everywhere.
2. I can't leave a room without searching it for information.
3. When I'm not exploring vaults or ruins, I get jittery and impatient.
4. I have no time for friends or family. I spend every waking moment thinking about and preparing for my next expedition.
5. When given the choice of going left or right, I always go left.
6. I can't sleep except in total darkness.

Bonuses & Starting equipment.

Important skills.
The 5 main skills for a wasteland Historian  are.

History +5
Survival +5
Scavenging +5
Tinkering +5
Chemistry +5  


Starting Equipment.

Messengers Satchel 40lb capacity (1lb)
Empty 1.5 litre plastic Bottle 0lb when empty
Mess Tin 0.25lb
Book Repair Kit 2lb
1D10 specimen bags  (0.01lb each)
Trowel 0.5lb
Old Notebook & pencil 0.5lb
Stimpac Booster 0.25lb

Perk & Disadvantage.


You have spent time Studying the ways of the Pre-war world and as a result can restore old world texts and Relics, providing you have the right materials and Tools.

the length of Time and DC for the restoration are set by the type and size of the item and the level of damage.


You have spent time scouring the Wasteland for ancient knowledge, During your travels you have learnt the perils of technological warfare. As a result you have grown wary of machines intended for combat and gain disadvantage to repairs or modifications made to them.

This disadvantage effects energy weapons, turrets and combat Robots.

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