Gangs of the Wasteland
Raiders, are any group of wastelanders who pillage, plunder, murder, or otherwise ruin the day of anyone unfortunate enough to not be one of them. Raiders tend to organize into loose confederations of gangs in the wasteland and are a constant problem. Raiders typically prey upon travellers and very small towns, leaving more populous or larger areas alone.

Raider groups can be found nearly everywhere in the wasteland. Most are short-lived and loosely-organized gangs barely scraping out a living, typically without any real driving purpose beyond thrills and survival; though some, such as the Khans and the 80s, last long enough to form tribal connections and a unique culture based on raiding

Starting Gear
Raiders tend to carry a 9mm pistol with 1D12 bullets and a switch blade. They wear grave digger boots, black jeans a leather harness chest piece and a painspike leather jacket. 

Raiders tend to be human or Super-Mutant, and are almost always chaotic Evil

When creating a raider here are something to consider.
Why did you become a raider?
What did you do before joining a Raider gang?
What is your gangs Name?
What is your gangs goal?
Why did you leave your gang? (if you did)


Traits You can pick one trait from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. I can't trust you, or anyone! I can't trust me!
2. I get twitchy when around people I don't know.
3. I couldn’t care less if we all die, as long as it's fun.
4. What was that? Did you hear something? I heard something?
5. I always end up cackling during times of seriousness.
6. When I am left to myself, I must be occupied or others will become my occupation


Ideal You can pick one ideal from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. Rules. I can not allow my other self to break the rules. It is the only way I can keep us safe from myself.
2. Self-Control. I must resist the urges my other self wishes to have done.
3. Empath. I know the trauma and pain some have been through, and I must help them through it so they don't fall victim to themselves.
4. Spontaneous. Anything can happen. I die, you die, we all die, or nothing happens. Magic in the mystery.
5. Paranoia. They're out to get me, I know it, I can see it in their eyes. They hate me, they want to kill me. Kill or be killed!
6. Ticking Time-Bomb. It's only a matter of time... It's only a matter of time... It's only a matter of time...


Bond You can pick one Bond from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. I don't want to be like this forever, I'll do anything to rid myself of this torment.
2. I can't lose my other self! It's a part of me, and who I am!
3. I blame everyone else for what happened to me. I will get my revenge.
4. I must show everyone the torment I live in everyday. I can't be alone in this.
5. I wish to show everyone their other self, so they may truly discover who they are
6. I want to control my other self so I may be two minds in one.


Flaw You can pick one Flaw from the list below that best suits your character, or roll 1D6 to randomly choose.
1. The voices... The voices... never... stop...
2. It is so tempting to act upon my lust and desire... and sometimes... I do...
3. It doesn't matter what people say to me. I'm not crazy, I'm not a monster, I'm perfect...
4. I... Am... A... God...
5. Sometimes, I freeze up in tense moments, planning when I should be acting.
6. I... can't... stop... killing... must... finish... what... I... started...

Important skills and Bonuses
The 5 main skills for a raider are.
Explosives +5
Small Guns +5
Melee weapons +5
Traps +5
Intimidation +5


Your violent nature gives you a 25% damage bonus to melee weapons
Melee weapons Breakdown twice as fast when you use them.