
Before the Great War, geckos could be found in warm climates throughout the world. After the cataclysmic nuclear holocaust, they've mutated, and have grown to exceptional size; easily standing as tall as a young human child. Some are thought to have evolved due to their exposure to mutated FEV in the air, leaking out from West Tek Research Facility, and yet others are thought to have mutated through exposure to other toxic, or irradiated, areas of the wastelands.


There are Hundreds of mutated variants on the Pre-War Gecko each with unique traits and weakness, they spread across the Wasteland adapting to the climate of each region.

Common Variants.

Golden Gecko.

Very Similar to the Common gecko, The golden gecko is larger in size and more aggressive and is the second most common gecko type in the Wasteland.

Tree Gecko.

Tree Geckos are smaller than their desert cousins and make their homes in densely overgrown areas such as the Hub delta or the Irradiated Forest, The main distinguishing feature of Tree geckos is their ability to secrete sticky mucus from their Palms which gives them unmatched Climbing abilities and speed.

Fire Gecko.

Fire geckos are very similar to other more common with only two visible differences the small spikes lining the geckos spine and the Reddish Brown hides. Though the key feature which separates the fire Gecko From its kin would be its ability to Spit globs of Flaming Mucus at its prey.

Hunter Gecko.

The most Dangerous variant of new world Gecko is the hunter Gecko similar in size to a golden Gecko but twice as aggressive. The hunter Gecko is a fierce predator and can easily take out a Full caravan of travelers thanks to it's natural cloaking abilities which allow it to Remain unseen while it attacks.