
A mythical creature stalking the hills and mountains, the sheepsquatch was allegedly a bipedal, highly aggressive ram-like creature interested in sheep. Whether existing or not, the sheepsquatch myth was an obsession for a cryptid hunter named Calvin van Lowe, who devoted his life to hunting it down.

While Calvin could never prove it himself, the sheepsquatch was a very real thing, even before the Great War. How it came to be is unknown, though a sheepsquatch was responsible for the deaths of two teenagers near before presumably being hunted down by locals.

Although the exact nature of how they were created is an enigma, one of the more popular theories among wastelanders is that an ordinary farm animal was mutated into a sheepsquatch through the power of radiation. However, such an idea is seen as too basic to some, with radical theorists going so far as to say that they are the unholy result of fornication between a man and a sheep. Some even say it is a hoax, created by a thief in order to hide his identity and easily rob gullible travelers, though that is clearly not the case.


Standing approximately ten feet tall, the sheepsquatch is a huge cryptid bearing a strong resemblance to sheep. Sheepsquatches possess a set of large horns protruding directly from the sides of their heads. Their skin is pink and raw, with large quills poking out from their upper back. Despite their resemblance to sheep, their wool is stiff and gray, with only meager patches visible on the animal. Their faces appear almost skeletal, especially around the nose area. Their eyes are large and fish-like, with rectangular pupils typical of normal sheep and goats. They have small ears, with a tracking tag embedded in the right ear. The ears are dwarfed by their massive horns. They have large jowls, prominent especially when howling. Their teeth are small and flat, like that of a herbivore. However, sheepsquatches are carnivores, as evidenced by the numerous brahmin corpses found embedded with quills. They have a potbelly and three large claws on each hand. They stand on two legs, on large hooves. Their legs have inverted knees, similar to that of a dog's legs, and they have a short tail. In the wild, they can be found sleeping in their nests, surrounded by dead brahmin and bones. Sometimes, they will be found with their head surrounded by a swarm of flies.

Sheepsquatches communicate through howls and groans, with long, somber, drawn-out moans. This noise appears to come from the unique way that they vibrate their jowls when calling out. This method of calling allows them to change the pitch quickly and easily, in order to convey what they want to. They appear to be solitary but have been recorded living in small groups.